What a great Christmas we had!
We went to the Christmas Eve service at church and Jake was a hit, everyone that saw him made a comment on how cute and adorable he was. Here's a picture...
My brother came from Chicago for almost a week. He came on Christmas day just in time for dinner and then we opened presents. Jake slept in Chad's arms during the presents. It was just so great to all be in the same in room together!
The few days after Christmas we hung out around the house and went to the movie "Yes, Man". Jake did great at the movie, he slept in the Baby Bjorn on Chad the whole time.
On the 28th Jake was 2 months old. I can't believe that it was 2 months ago that we were in the hospital meeting our son. Sometimes, it seems like yesterday and other times I can't remember life without him! One big thing that happened this week was that we decided to switch to formula from breastfeeding. I was very hesitant, but with my infection (it's painful) I was stressed out and getting slightly depressed about feeding and the infection. It was the right move for us. The cool part is that other people can feed Jake...like his Uncle Frank (Shortly after waking up)!
Frank, my brother, mom, and I went for a little adventure in the woods around our house. A few months ago my mom was walking and saw a some old abandoned houses in the woods. We can see them now that the leaves have fallen. So we decided to explore. The first few little buildings we hiked to were just sheds. But then we came across 2 houses. The roofs were sunken and the floors were gone. We didn't go in them, but it was interesting. On the houses were notices saying that a hearing over the property is coming up. Apparently, the property was owned by Ira and Peggy Hoyle Pigford. I'm guessing they have passed away and left the property to no one. I don't know how it would happen, but it would so fun to buy the property and eventually build my parents a house on it. Then, they'd live just down the road. But I'm dreaming and assuming that by the time we have a 2nd kid we won't be living in the same house with them.
Frank got me a Kitchen Aid stand mixer for Christmas...it's awesome! We decided to make scones. We had a lot of fun doing that. We kinda missed a part of the recipe... we were supposed to combine the eggs and cream together and then add to the other ingredients. We didn't do that and the dough was much sticker than it should have been, but they tasted good and we had a lot of laughs through the process!
Well, Happy New Year to everyone! We hope to be sleeping through the coming of the new year!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas, 2 months, old houses
Posted by Charissa at 1:18 PM 4 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Growing boy, bedtime routine, the crib!
So Jacob is almost 2 months old and is now in his 3-6 months clothing! It's crazy! I don't know how we are going to keep up with him growing! He was only in his 0-3 months for a month and a half. My mom and I went to a kids consignment shop and got some good deals. He is just growing up so fast!
We have started a bedtime routine. This usually includes a bath. At first he hated baths, but now that Chad throws on a bathing suit and gets in with him (rather than using the baby bathtub) he loves it. He doesn't cry at all. In fact, if he is crying before the bath then he calms down in the bath! He doesn't like the cold when he gets out, though. He has started kicking in the bath and it's only a matter of time before he starts splashing! We are excited for that! Here is a picture of him on his way to the bathroom in his duck robe (Thanks Cyndie!).Jake has finally started to sleep in his crib. He will sleep for 4ish hours, wake up eat, and sleep for another 3-4 hours....IN HIS CRIB!!! This is great. Chad and I are getting much better sleep. I know there will nights when Jake isn't feeling well, or just doesn't want to sleep, but for now we are enjoying the sleep we are getting!
Here is a picture of Jacob that was in our Christmas email...sorry if we know you and you didn't receive a letter I just must not have your email address.
Here is a picture of the Burns side of our family from Thanksgiving.
Click here to see all the pictures from Thanksgiving.
Merry Christmas!
Posted by Charissa at 10:43 PM 5 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Doctors appointments and a good weekend!
Jake had a check up this past week. He is doing great! At the appoinment, he was 11 lbs. 3 oz. and 22.25 inches. He is in the 75th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference! He's a big healthy baby.
I also had a doctor appointment. It went well. I'm still fighting an infection, it's nothing really serious, just more irritating and a bit painful. Please pray that it goes away and isn't passed on to Jake.
Here is a picture of Jacob in his reindeer hat on our way to Target this past week!
This weekend was great...most weekends are great because Chad is home! We went out on Saturday which was rather hectic because we were near a huge mall (we decided not to go in...too many late Christmas shoppers). We went to late breakfast at Cracker Barrel, then went to the verizon store, then Chad took Jake while I got my hair cut...it was so needed! We got home and relaxed. Then a friend of mine from New Jersey came over. We found each other on facebook and it turns out she lives 5 minutes away from us! So funny...we hadn't seen each other in about 11 and half years. It was a fun reunion.
Then Sunday we relaxed and went on a walk and relaxed some more! It was sad to see Chad leave for work this morning.
Posted by Charissa at 11:08 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Face lift, Thanksgiving, and a lot of family!
Yep I decided to change this blog a bit! I believe that all good parents are superheroes! Chad and I are constantly being "helped" by our sidekicks. Jake and Morgan are always making us smile and laugh. Jake has shown us love and how to love. Morgan is our loyal protector! But we have to rescue them as well! They both need us for food, and love. Morgan needs to be let outside and Jake needs his diaper changed. Morgan needs to be petted, Jake needs to be held. They both need us for baths! It is a joy to be this kind of superhero!
Well, our thanksgiving was actually on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Chad's parents, sister, and brother-in-law all came to our house on Friday, Nov. 28th. Jake was 1 month old that day! It the first time seeing them since Jake was born. I'm so glad that Jake got to meet his Nana and Grandpa and Aunt Angie and Uncle Jeremy! He was loved and held so much!
Here's a few things we did. We went to few restaurants (Li's chinese and The Olive Garden). We went to the mall. We played some games. We went to church and Jake, Chad, and I were dedicated. They do family dedications at our church rather than just baby dedications, because the parents need help and prayer too! We relaxed and Chad and I got quite a bit of sleep.
It was very sad and hard to see them go. There were tears shed. We just hope to see them again soon. We love them so much! (I will post pictures as soon as I get them)
The day after they all left, my Aunt Patty and cousin Beth came in for the weekend. We went out to lunch a few times and started watching the first season of Everwood and I'm fully hooked now! We went to the NoDa (North Davidson) district in Charlotte which has art galleries and funky shops. We had a blast all us girls and Jake. It was also sad to see them go, but my mom, Jake, and I will be going up to Pittsburgh in March to see them again!
Here are a few recent pictures: (some were taken with my phone so they are kinda blurry) Chad feeding Jake at the mall!
Morgan and Jake taking a nap.
Jake at Panera saying 'hi'.
My mom, Me, Jake in the sling, Aunt Patty, and Beth at a vintage shop in NoDa. So much fun with hats! (Aunt Patty looks good in hers...the rest of us?)
Posted by Charissa at 12:09 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Balding baby!
Well, Jacob seems to be losing his hair! The funny thing is that he is losing it in the typical Grubbs (my maiden name) fashion. I find this slightly sad and absolutely hilarious! I wonder when it will come back? Will he lose all of it? Or will he look like my grandpa...hair on the sides, none on top? I guess we will wait and see! Sorry I don't have a picture right now.
Other updates:
Kristen came a few weekends ago to meet Jake. Even though, I am feeding him every few hours and don't much time in between I really enjoyed having her here and showing off Jake!
This last Friday was Jake's big debut at Chad's work (I used to work there). We went for the thanksgiving lunch. It was really fun!
This coming Friday...Chad's mom and dad, and sister and brother-in-law are coming. We are having Thanksgiving meal with all of them and my parents on Saturday. I am super excited. It's about time that Jake meets his other grandparents and aunt and uncle.
And I think that after Chad's family leaves, my aunt and cousin are coming! So excited!!!
Jake is getting more and more expressive. He is studying faces and following faces and sounds. He found his thumb the other day. He is smiling more and not just while falling asleep!
While it is frustrating being home alone when he is screaming for no apparent reason, the happy times make it all better! I love him so much. Oh and Chad is the best dad ever!
When all the company is gone and things calm down a little, I will get pictures posted!
Posted by Charissa at 5:06 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
So 2 of my cousins and apparently my aunt did this survey...and I figured I'd jump on in too.
First name: the book my dad was reading when my mom was pregnant was dedicated to a Charissa, Middle name: same middle name as my grandma Carolyn Gail
yesterday...postpartum hormones is probably the only reason
when I take the time I like it
it all depends on the day...but a good corned beef/turkey reuben sandwich is my favorite sandwich
yep, one...Jacob
I think so, but I'd probably get mad at myself frequently
yes (I think its in the Grubbs genes)
nope, I don't like heights, but I promised Chad that I'd go sky diving with him one day
10. WHAT IS YOUR favorite CEREAL?
cinnamon toast crunch, but it has too much sugar so I can't eat it
I do now that I've been through labor and delivery, but it's pretty much because of God
mint chocolate chip, but can't eat that either
probably their cleanliness and teeth
red, but I really like pink too
I can say some really mean things without thinking, and I can get angry easily
my first baby and my grandmother Carolyn, but they are together in heaven
honey bunches of oats
Jacob breathing in his sleep and the dryer
fire engine red
pumpkin pie, fresh cut grass, fallen leaves, old books
Amy Starr
college basketball when I can, live is best
changes frequently, but right now sweet potatoes
I prefer odd artsy movies, but happy endings are always good
Sex in the City
Blue, Chad's "trust me i'm a ninja" t-shirt
hugs mostly, but kisses from my husband too
Pumpkin pie, we had this at our wedding
Baby Boot Camp, At the Back of the North wind
Tivo'd The Price is Right, Jeopardy, and at some point Bones (wait that might of been the early morning)
Jacob's breathing
Gabon, Africa
not that I can think of, I've never been able to think of one
Posted by Charissa at 11:38 AM 3 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
2 week Dr appointment
Jake had his 2 week Dr. appointment today. He did really well. He did poop on the scale while being weighed, but other than that he did great!
He is 9lbs 2.5 oz. and 21.25 inches long! He has grown so much in such a short amount of time! I'm such a proud mom! He is healthy and growing!
I went to my doctor yesterday and it turns out I do have an infection (that's all I'm posting about it, if you want to know you'll have to ask). So I'm on medicine for it. Sadly, Jake now has a diaper rash type infection and has special meds for that too. It's nothing serious, but will take some time to get rid of. It doesn't seem to be bothering him so that's good.
Oh and I never thought I'd be so excited about diaper sizes, but Jake is in the next diaper size and moving into the 0-3 months clothes...we will have to evaluate if we have enough clothes in that size!
We are all doing pretty well and just trying to get as much sleep as we can. Hopefully he'll sleep well tonight!
Posted by Charissa at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Meeting Uncle Frank, 2 weeks old, and smile!
We had a good weekend with my brother Frank. Jake only woke Frank up at night a few times...haha! It was good to hang out the times I wasn't feeding Jake or asleep. Frank is coming back at Christmas and by then Jake will be so much bigger.
Jake turned 2 weeks old yesterday! It was my first full day at home alone with him. Chad's back at work. It was a good day. We had an appointment with the lactation consultant. Please pray for me there is a possible infection and I'm on medicine for it. Hopefully, it will clear up. Jake is great and growing fast! We have a pediatrician appointment on Friday. I think they will amazed at how much weight he has gained! He was 8 lbs. 12 oz. yesterday, almost a pound over his birth weight!
Here is a picture of Jake falling asleep this morning...with a big smile on his face!
Posted by Charissa at 1:21 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
More personality!
I'm amazed that at almost 2 weeks old Jake is showing so much personality! He's going to be a funny kid! I wish I could describe his personality and what he does, but I think you'd have to come and spend a few days to see it. Here are a few observations and updates...
1. He hates getting his diaper changed and his clothes changed. But if he is naked and you are holding him he's happy!
2. He makes funny noises in his sleep. Squeaks, grunts, tiny little screams.
3. When his belly is full and I'm trying to burp him he will sometimes fall asleep and get a very funny squishy face, I'll try to get a picture.
4. He likes to sleep with his hands in little fists and arms as if he is showing off his muscles. He rarely sleeps any other way.
5. He has started to sleep more between feedings, sometimes. This is great! There have been a few times that we have gotten 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep and few times of a little more!
6. As he is falling asleep he frequently smiles, big smiles!
7. Morgan, our dog, licked his head this morning. Jake responded with big, wide open eyes! It was pretty funny. She just walked in and gave him 2 quick licks on the top of his head.
8. He likes his pacifier. We were planning on waiting a month before using one, but he is such a good eater and he just needs it to go to sleep sometimes. We greatly like the pacifier...it definitely helps him sleep, which helps us sleep! Sometimes he looks like Maggie Simpson with the way he sucks the pacifier.
9. He's a good baby. Not too fussy. He has his moments, but he's pretty good.
10. I am completely in love with him!
That's all for now.
Posted by Charissa at 10:46 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Random things
Here are some random things for an update...
1. This past Tuesday we had an appointment with a lactation consultant just to make sure things were going well. And things are very well! At a week old Jake was beyond his birth weight! AMAZING! Apparently, I have an incredible milk supply so he's getting a lot. Not to mention he is an aggressive eater (which can be a little painful for me!).
2. Also, at the appointment Jake's umbilical cord stump fell off! We might attempt a real bath today!
3. We did have to give him a sponge bath on Monday evening because during a diaper change he peed...on his head! He hated the sponge bath! He actually pees a lot during diaper changes and now we have perfected putting a washcloth over him so he doesn't shoot us!
4. He's been on 2 walks in his stroller and loves it...he falls right to sleep. He also passes out in in the car.
5. Recovery from my long labor and delivery is slow.
6. My brother is coming tomorrow to meet his nephew! I'm so excited!
7. My parents are great and are helping so much with Jake and Chad and I getting a little extra sleep!
8. I'm not happy with the election results, but God is in control.
And some pics from yesterday....
Posted by Charissa at 12:55 PM 4 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Coming Home, Halloween, and Pediatrician
We got home on Thursday 10/30/08 and were so tired. Before we left the hospital we took some pics of him in his dino outfit that we had picked out for this day so long ago. The day was hectic before we left the hospital. There was discharge stuff for me and Jacob, professional pictures, lactation consult, etc. We finally left around noon. His first car ride went well too!
Well, our first full day home was Halloween. Jacob's Aunt Angie and Uncle Jeremy sent him 2 Halloween outfits. He was in this one most of the day... it says "This is my costume" in glow in the dark letters!He wore the above outfit to his first pediatrician appointment. We were late because he during his diaper change on our way out the door he spit up out his mouth and nose! Ahh the joys of parenthood! So we spent some time making sure he was done spitting up and suctioning his nose! Then he must have pooped on the way to the doctor because when we put him on the scale and took his diaper for the weighing he was messy. So we changed him.
His other Halloween outfit is a this adorable bunny costume! Here's a pic of that!
For the link to pictures of Jacob's outfits click: HERE!
Posted by Charissa at 1:50 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Birth Saga of Jacob Michael
I titled this not as a Birth Story but a Saga, because well it was very long!
It all began Saturday morning (10-25) when the mild Braxton Hicks like contractions began coming every 15-20 minutes and lasting about a minute long. Now these were really no big deal and I would say I didn't really start what I considered labor until later that afternoon when I the contractions picked up to every 5-12 minutes and I started needing to breath through most of them because they had become more intense (still not too bad). But they did wake me up that night and we really didn't sleep. I knew things were happening. Sunday (10-26) we called the nurses line for my doctor's office and let them know the contractions were 5-7 minutes apart. The nurse contacted the doctor on call and told us to go to the hospital to get checked. Well, apparently things weren't really happening as I had hoped, because when we got to the hospital I was only about 2cm dilated. They sent us home. Sunday night was another night of no sleep just a few minutes rest between contractions.
Monday (10-27), the contractions were a little closer together. I couldn't sleep anymore and got up around 6:30am. I got a bowl of cereal and halfway through it my water broke! Obviously this was time to go the hospital. We got to the hospital around 8am and were admitted, however, I hadn't dilated anymore! The contractions got a little closer together, still irregular, and a little more intense. Still, was barely dilating. We and the doctor decided that in a few hours I should be started on Pitocin to try to kickstart things; however, I got some pain meds first so I could rest for an hour or so before the harder labor began with the Pitocin. Somewhere between 4-5pm I got the Pitocin. By around 7:30-8pm the contractions had picked up in intensity and were closer together, I was dilating slowly, but faster than before. I was so tired and realized that if I didn't get something for the pain there was no way I was going to have the energy to push (remember no sleep since Friday night). I got an epidural around 8:30pm. I was pretty tired and took a short rest only to wake up to my mom saying something about the baby's heartbeat being 80 bpm! Chad came over to my bed and mom ran out to get the nurse. Nurses rushed in, the doctor was called, they put an oxygen mask on me. I was instructed to roll over and people started prodding me and everything was a flurry! I was scared and tried to focus on praying and breathing deeply. The doctor got there and the heartbeat was back up. What had happened was that the Pitocin made the contractions too close together and little Jacob just kinda freaked out from it! They stopped the Pitocin for a while and thankfully I kept contracting well. They eventually put me back on the Pitocin, just much less of it.
Tuseday (10-28), 3am rolled around and it was time to push. I felt the need to push with the contractions and I gave it all my might! With my mom, the cheerleader, on side grabbing one of my legs and Chad, the comforter, on the other side, I pushed hard for 2 hours and a little bit. Our nurse during the last leg of the journey was incredible and very encouraging as well. At one point Jake's heartbeat slowed again and this time he just didn't like the position I was in while pushing, so we switched between two other positions instead. The doctor was talking c-section at several points, but luckily Jake started moving out. The doctor used the vacuum during one push which was a little scary, but probably saved me several pushes. The final push was at 5:15am! He was 7lbs 14oz., 19.5 inches long, and handsome!
The pushing was the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life! But by far the this whole process was the most rewarding thing in world!
There is nothing like having that gooey, beautiful baby laid on your stomach when you have worked so hard for it!
God did an amazing thing here! The doctor was talking c-section several times, but God had a different plan...to give me the right people to support and encourage me through, and to give me the strength to carry on!
Here is a link to the pictures from this saga and a few from Jacob Michael Burns first day in the world! Jake's first day!
Posted by Charissa at 8:48 AM 5 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The induction is scheduled!
Well, if nothing happens before Wednesday the 29th, we will heading to the hospital and getting induced at 7:30AM.
I'd love for things to happen on their own and sooner, but I will have baby one way or the other!
I'm pretty excited!
Posted by Charissa at 11:26 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The end is in site!
The doctor appointment went well today. Baby is right there ready to go! I am just over half a centimeter dilated...so not much. The doc said that I could very much go into labor anytime now! But he doesn't want me to go too far past the yesterday due date. So, I am now waiting for a call telling me when an induction time has been set. He said they will call and give me a time for next Wednesday...Oct. 29th! We have another appointment on Monday just to check progress.
If I don't go into labor within a week, they will induce labor! This actually makes me feel better...I will not be pregnant forever!!! At the latest, our baby boy will born next Wednesday!
I'm waiting and relaxing! Of course, I would like to go into labor naturally. So keep on praying for labor soon and a safe quick delivery. Thanks!
Posted by Charissa at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Due Date!
Today is my due date. So anyone who reads this please pray like crazy that I will go into labor very very soon....like now! Also prayer for a quick safe delivery!
I will post tomorrow after the doctor appointment....unless I'm in labor!
Posted by Charissa at 2:38 PM 5 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Third Post today!
At my doctor's appointment yesterday was good in the sense that my baby is healthy, good heartbeat. But there is no progression toward labor. No signs that labor is coming soon. This was a little sad....because I am so ready to have this little kid! I want to see his face and move from pregnancy to motherhood! I've got 5 days until my due date....I'm seriously praying and hoping that I will go into labor within these 5 days!
On a very different note. Please pray for Chad's family. His Aunt passed away last night. She has been battling cancer for several years. She is now with Jesus and has no more cancer, which is so great. But is sad for those of us left behind. Pray that Aunt Nancy's husband, kids, sisters, brother (Chad's dad), parents, and all other family find peace that she is pain-free and in Jesus' arms!
Posted by Charissa at 9:30 AM 1 comments
Very interesting video
A friend sent me this link. In a previous post I already said that people need to do their research and vote intelligently! This is a very important election!
Here's the link to the video CLICK HERE!
Posted by Charissa at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Tagged 9th
I was tagged by Ryan. I was supposed to post the ninth picture from the ninth album in "my pictures". However, I have a mac and so I looked in iPhoto where the ninth album only has one picture! Most of our pictures are stored online using Picasa so I looked there hoping that I could find a ninth photo in the ninth album....I DID! I've posted my ninth picture from my ninth album (in Picasa). This is a picture of the Sea Gypsy hotel in Lincoln City, Oregon. I've never stayed there, but I think the name is hilarious and it's a landmark for me anytime I go to Lincoln City. Sadly, I can't go there often anymore, becuase I live North Carolina.
I will tag Dane.
The tag game is taking place here The Silent Podium.
Posted by Charissa at 9:00 AM 1 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Carved Pumpkins 2008!
We really love our October tradition of carving pumpkins. While the pumpkin belly of the previous post was awesome, we decided we really needed carve our real pumpkins!
We went for easier this year, but we think was still creative!HAPPY BABY-WEEN! It will be a Halloween focused around a new baby this year in our house...we can't wait!
For more pictures of our pumpkins, including the Pumpkin Belly from the previous post click: HERE!
Posted by Charissa at 10:26 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Yearly October Tradition
It is a yearly tradition that Chad and I carve pumpkins. We are still going to try to fit this in before I go into labor. But in case we don't we decided we had to do something!!!
We got some face paint...mixed the red and the yellow....and well this was the outcome!That's right! That is my pregnant belly painted like a Jack-O-Lantern! Chad and I were quite proud of our creativity and artwork! We are so goofy!
Happy October! Happy Pumpkin carving...or painting! To see all the pictures we took of this event (and above post event) click: HERE!
Posted by Charissa at 5:56 PM 9 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
If babies could vote!
I haven't done extensive research on this, but the little research I have done on this subject shows that if babies could vote they wouldn't be voting for Obama. Apparently in 2001 he voted against the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act. Which in extremely basic terms states that if an abortion is performed and the baby shows signs of life they are to be treated as a living human and have medical attention under state law. This Act came up apparently because at Christ Hospital they were leaving the living aborted babies to die. I am fully against abortion...to me once conception occurs that child is a life!
Do the research yourself on the candidates and either don't vote or make a very informed decision!
Posted by Charissa at 4:29 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
38 week appointment
Nothing to report...no dilation or effacement. But baby Burns is low and ready to go. So if only my body would kick into gear!
On a different note...I love the fall! It is my favorite season!!! Winter is 2nd and then Spring and Summer is last. I love the cool weather, leaves falling, having the windows open at night! To me once the weather begins to cool down and it is officially autumn...I believe the holiday season begins. To me the holiday season isn't just thanksgiving and christmas. It's the when the whole warm feeling begins. Mornings where you want tea or coffee or hot chocolate...not just they are good or a habit, but because its chilly outside! Pumpkins...I love pumpkins, and the pie that comes from it!
BUT! This fall is extra special! Our son is going to be born. What a better time for this to happen. So from this year on I will not only love the fall for so many reasons plus the ones listed above, but also because of our sons birthday! I'm super excited and truly loving this season of the year and of my life.
We have pumpkins ready to carve. We have a pumpkin outfit for the baby. I have made a few fall decorations and put them up. It is the fall!
So as I wait to go into labor I'm doing my best to fully enjoy the weather and fall feeling that I love so much!
Posted by Charissa at 10:50 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Ready and Nesting
The carseat is in the car. The hospital bags are packed. The nursery is done...minus 2 pieces of artwork I'm working on. Everything is in place! Chad has been ready for a long time. And I am now fully ready to get this show on the road.
The nesting urge has kicked in. However, being 2 weeks and a day away from the due date, I'm pretty uncomfortable and getting little sleep at night so naps are necessary. I do take naps as long as I can get my mind to calm down. It's very strange I used to dread cleaning the bathroom or bedroom and now everyday that goes by that I don't, it drives me a little more crazy!
Well, we have another doctor appointment tomorrow. I will post any news tomorrow!
Onto cleaning and a nap at some point!
Posted by Charissa at 11:34 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
37 week Dr. Appointment
Well, nothing really to report on the doctor appointment. He checked the heartbeat and we talked about when to call the office or go to the hospital. Everything is good and normal. Just waiting...and waiting...and waiting.
I'll write more when I know more. We go back to the Dr. next Tuesday.
Posted by Charissa at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Today, church was about living life together. Our church has a fall/winter session and a spring session of life groups. Which are basically groups of 10-15 people meeting together to share their lives, fellowship, and grow closer to Christ together. We are about to begin the fall/winter session. So, this morning was about life groups.
It made me think of the times that I felt I truly and fully lived life together with other people. Yes, obviously this happens in family and in college. But the strongest memory and possibly the most impactful time of living in community was after college when Chad and I bought a house. We had been away from Newberg, OR for a year and a half. We moved back, bought a house, and had anywhere from 1-3 guys living with us. We knew them all from college. There was Pat, who is an elementary teacher needed a place to live in the area and it was great having him accept our offer of a room. Travis was working at George Fox University in town and a coffee shop. Travis and Pat were roommates in college and decided to share the larger bedroom and bathroom downstairs. Then, there was Ryan. He had gone to California after graduating to do an internship for youth ministry...only to find out that it wasn't God's plan for him to be there. He showed up one night at our house and we immediately offered the upstairs room to him. He eventually accepted the offer. We'd loved the time spent living with these guys. Our community got bigger as Travis got a girlfriend who was over almost everyday and became one of best friends. Then, sadly, Ryan moved out to go teach in South Korea. However, we quickly added Mark to the community. Mark moved to Newberg to be closer his girlfriend, Amy. Which made the community even bigger! We also had Steve stay for a while on the couch. And too many other friends use the couch and floor as places to sleep!
We not only had fun playing games, watching "How it's Made", going to the beach and the zoo, etc. But we had deep conversation and truly connected through the hard times too. We went through friends moving to other countries, 2 engagements, one involving unhappy parents, major job issues, my miscarriage, and more. And in all these things we were fully open with each other. It was living in community at it's highest. I know for sure that living in this community helped me feel loved and supported through losing my first baby.
We have gotten to visit the Portland area for a few weddings and I still feel the community when We all get together again. I miss them. I may never have a close community like this again, but I am far closer to God and much off having had it for that short time!
So to the whole "Yellow House Group" ... I love you all and miss you all. I am praying for you and you are forever in my heart!
Posted by Charissa at 1:48 PM 3 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Where's the gas?
So I'm not sure what it's like out there today. But for the past few days there has been almost no gasoline in the city of Charlotte. When people find a gas station that has gas they freak out and everyone jumps in a ridiculous line to fill up their tanks no matter how empty they are. My dad was running on fumes yesterday and sat in a line for an hour and a half. The guy ahead of him got like 2 gallons....this man should never have been in line because he actually had gas in his car! People will try to fill up gas cans as well their cars. It's crazy. People are running out of gas because they literally cannot find a station that has gas or they run out of gas while waiting in line to get gas!
Most of Chad's office worked from home yesterday because they couldn't risk driving to work and running out of gas. Chad has to go into work today he has equipment that needs shipped and he's the only one that can do it. But we also have an appointment with a pediatrician today. So we will probably use most of the gas in our car today. Hopefully, the gas stations are being filled as we speak!
I had a dream last night that I went into labor and we didn't have enough gas to make it to the hospital! Yikes...I'm glad it was a dream and hopefully I won't go into labor until there is enough gas to get to the hospital!
Posted by Charissa at 10:06 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Nothing yet!
Well, the doctor appointment went well. Everything is normal and good. Not dialated at all yet. I have appointments every Tuesday now until he decides to come out! My doctor was very encouraging in letting me know that with a "textbook" pregnancy he is confident that labor and delivery should go well. He also said that the baby is average size...which made me happy that I won't be pushing out a 9 pounder!
So on to more waiting!
Next Tuesday the little boy will be considered fully developed!
Posted by Charissa at 10:30 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
35 weeks 5 days pregnant picture! and more...
Here's me yesterday at 35 weeks and 5 days pregnant! I feel huge and I'm not sure how I will get any huger! We are so excited to get this show on the road!
Here is a picture of Chad with our Baby Bjorn with a stuffed dinosaur in it! Wow is he excited to be a dad!!! He can't wait to walk around showing off our son in the carrier! We were told by multiple people that the Baby Bjorn is a must and well since they expensive I went on Craigslist and found one for less than half the price of a new one and it's in great condition. God is great!
Posted by Charissa at 10:41 AM 2 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Very Quick!
My brother is here from Chicago for the weekend. I always love it when he is here...he's the best brother!
I am no longer working at Emporos Systems. At least not in the office, they might have me do some work at home, but it will be according to my schedule and can be done in my pjs!
I have a doctor's appt. on Tuesday...the 36 week appointment! From that point on I will be going every week. I will write about the appointment and let everyone know if there is news on progression!
We have an appointment with a Pediatrician on Friday. She was recommended by my doctor, but is 25 minutes away and I don't know anyone in this area of town who has kids to ask for a closer recommendation. I'm not sure if 25 minutes is to far away and I'm clueless on what to ask and what's important in a kid doctor! Suggestions? Advice?
Ok time for bed...I'll write more later...and I'll try to get a picture up because not only is my belly further out than ever, it is also low. This kid has definitely dropped!
Posted by Charissa at 12:55 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Work Baby Shower
Last Wednesday, work was having a luncheon/all staff meeting. At least that's what I was told. I didn't think too much of it since there is an all staff meeting every month and we've had luncheons before. Chad works at the same company that I do and he actually knew what was going on and kept it a secret!
We walked into the conference room and it all set up for a baby shower! What a great surprise it was! The company has just under 30 employees so its small and pretty close knit. We received great gifts that were much needed.
Tomorrow is my last day of work and that a great send off! I will definitely be visiting Chad at work and showing off our son to everyone. They truly care a lot about their employees. For pictures click HERE!
Oh and I've been having what I think are Braxton Hicks contractions, slightly painful, but nothing horrible. I've had painless ones before, but yesterday was the first time that I was mildly in pain/discomfort and I've had several today as well. I'm not sure that I'll make it to the due date, but we'll see!
Posted by Charissa at 11:38 AM 2 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Last Friday...a car show with dad!
I have decided that my dad and I need to have father-daughter time together at least every other week. It doesn't matter if it is a little road trip down to Gary's to get the oil changed or coffee or a car show, but it needs to happen. I love my dad and he is so busy that even though I live in the same house I end up missing him if this time isn't set aside to talk and goof off!
Last Friday, we went to a car fair at Lowe's Motor Speedway. We didn't get all around the track to see all the car's because my pregnant body just couldn't handle the heat and all the walking. I feel like I'm going to pop! But we got to see a lot. It was so fun hearing my dad tell me all about the cars and about the ones he had or a friend had. We had a lot of fun. The link to the small photo album: click HERE. There's not a ton of pictures, but a few.
Posted by Charissa at 11:31 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
33 weeks!
I have finished my 33rd week of pregnancy. And I have to say that I am ready to have this little boy. He will be fully developed in a few weeks and I'm ok to go into labor anytime after that! Before the due date is perfectly fine with me!
Of course the nursery is a disaster and we don't even a crib mattress yet...but it will all get done. I am just ready to not be so huge anymore and I'm ready to at least be able to sleep when I can. At this point even when it's time to sleep I can't...at least not much. I'd be happy with a solid 2 hours of real sleep. Between trying to get comfortable and my son kicking me in the ribs and getting up to go to the bathroom I don't think I actually sleep much. I'm actually looking forward to being able sleep between feedings...in whatever position I want without a "watermelon" in my belly! :)
Plus, Chad and I are just really excited to meet our son face to face! We can't wait!
Well...on to more waiting and preparing!
Posted by Charissa at 5:29 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
NC Baby Shower
My mom, Cyndie, and Kristen threw me a baby shower this past Saturday. It was so much fun and such a blessing. There were people there from my church in New Jersey who have moved to North Carolina, people from my first church in NC, people from high school, people from my church now, and a few people from some random places! The above picture is of Me, Melissa, and Autumn. We are high school classmates and have traveled to New Mexico, Holland, and Colorado together. Melissa is an amazing friend and even though we struggle to get together with our busy schedules, when we do get together it's like no time has past! Autumn is due with her 3rd child a week after me. She has been a great friend and has offered me invaluable advice about pregnancy, labor, and motherhood.
The best part of the whole shower was when the women laid hands on me and prayed over me, the baby, and Chad. I am incredibly blessed to be surrounded by Godly women! I feel that I am lifted up and fully in God's hands. The words that were prayed over me truly sunk in and I felt filled with Christ. He will give me the strength to make it through the remainder of this pregnancy, labor and delivery, and motherhood. God is also with this baby and Chad! I also was blessed by a Blessing Book made by Kristen. All the women who attended not only signed the book, but wrote advice, prayers, and blessings...I will cherish it forever.
Cyndie was so gracious to offer her home for the shower...thanks Cyn. Kristen came up from Atlanta to help with the shower and to visit...what an amzing friend, thanks! My mom was wonderful at getting all the food together and planning. I can't thank my mom enough!
Oh and these pictures were taken by Melissa.
Posted by Charissa at 3:42 PM 2 comments
Jeans update!
So far I've worn my jeans twice to work and no one has said anything! I have been much more comfortable at work which makes work much much better!
I plan on wearing my jeans to work up until my last day! We'll see if anyone says anything before then.
Posted by Charissa at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Slightly Rebellious
I only have 13 days, including today, left at work. I work 3 days a week and my last day is September 18th. Then I have a time of rest before my new job kicks into high gear as a mom. Well, for now I have deal with my current job. It's not bad, I occasionally get the mean person calling in telling me to fix their problem right now, but I can deal with that. The thing that I can't deal with is that with my growing pregnant belly, my business casual maternity pants are no longer comfortable. My most comfy pants are either my pajama pants, not appropriate for work; no pants...REALLY not appropriate for work; or my maternity jeans! (And for those of you who are thinking why not a dress...come on it's me! I don't really wear dresses!) So today I opted for wearing my maternity jeans, even though it is not approved by the company to wear jeans to work unless its Friday (I don't work on Fridays).
I am letting my rebellious streak show through today. I'm curious to see if anyone will say anything about it. If they do they might get a response like "Well, I'm 5'1" and have a child that is over a fifth of my height in me and these are the most comfortable pants I have. If you'd like to pay for work appropriate pants that are as comfortable as my jeans that will be about $40!" or "Your options are: give me a raise, pay for $40 maternity pants, or let me wear my jeans for the 13 days of work I have left."
Ok, I'll probably be nicer than that, but you never know with these hormones!
Posted by Charissa at 9:34 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Very short road trip with my dad!
My dad's very close friend, Dan, and wife, Mary, are moving to Kansas City, Kansas. Well, Dan was going to drive his truck out and pull his wife's car on a trailer. My dad offered to go with him and fly back. This is what happened. However, Dan wasn't leaving from Charlotte he was leaving from Lake Lure which is about 2 hours west-ish. I drove my dad out on Friday morning to meet Dan.
My dad and I greatly enjoy road trips together. We are incredibly goofy and at some point get serious and have great heart to heart talks, too. We goofed around a ton and laughed a lot. We stopped at IHOP for breakfast (I, of course, had pancakes!). At IHOP we discussed life and books. We talked about some of the great authors: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and George McDonald. I am currently reading George McDonald's book, "At the back of the Norh Wind". I absolutely love McDonald's writing. He is quite possibly my favorite writer. He is actually one of Lewis and Tolkien's inspirations for their books. We had a great time.
We got back in the car and drove on to Lake Lure. We were almost there and we saw this metal sculpture of a giant mosquito! It was hilarious we both laughed really hard. So I stopped on the way home to take a picture with my cell phone. When I stopped I realized why it was there. It was an advertisement for a creative metal working complany. If I wanted or ever do for some odd reason want a metal sculpture I will drive out and find them and have them make the sculpture, all because of that giant mosquito!
This next weekend is very busy...my close friend Kristen is coming, we have a Dr. appointment, a baby shower on Saturday, dinner out on Saturday night, and a Hospital tour on Sunday. I think it's great that they have these tours so that when I'm freaking out in pain we will know where to go and what to do!
Posted by Charissa at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Diaper Practice
This morning we did a funny thing. Since Chad has never changed a diaper before. I showed him how on a stuffed elephant and then let him put it on! He's going to be a great dad and will have no problem changing a diaper! He's so excited to be having a son!
Posted by Charissa at 12:10 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
29 weeks!
Here is me this morning on our back deck before work. I am 29 weeks and 1 day pregnant! Whoohoo! it is getting so close!
I feel more prepared for our son now that our crib and changing table (thanks mom and dad Burns and mom and dad Grubbs!) are set up. We put them together over the last few days. Now the crib just needs a mattress and the changing table needs a pad. Of course there is a lot more that we need, but we are on our way to being prepared for this little guy to come into our home!
I will get a picture of the nursery once it's a little put together!
Posted by Charissa at 1:48 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
2008 Oregon Trip
We had so much fun on our trip to the Portland area of Oregon! The weather was amazing not too hot, not humid, and cool mornings and evenings! Such a nice break from North Carolina heat and humidity.
We got to see so many friends and had a wonderful time visiting with Chad's parents.
Friday, we had lunch with Mark and Amy, and Heather, who was at that point just days away from having her baby! Sadly Heather's husband, Micah couldn't come. Then that night we hung out with Pisey and Beka and had great time. For pictures of Heather and I click this link: Heather and Charissa .
Saturday, we had brunch with Joe and Amy. Then the wedding festivities for Travis and Eva-Lynn began with a rehearsal at Champoeg Park, the Robert Newell House. It was beautiful and so much fun. That evening I hung out with Eva-Lynn and the other bridesmaids. Chad got to spend time with our friend, Steve.
Sunday, was the wedding. On the way to the wedding site we realized that we were driving right past Joe's house, Joe was Chad's Best Man. We decided we ahd just enough time to stop in for a few minutes! The wedding was beautiful. I loved being a part of the wedding. Eva-Lynn is one of my very closest friends, so it was awesome to see her and Travis get married. They are perfect for each other! The receiption was so fun to watch all the college friends dance like maniacs...I of course watched since I was tired and far too pregnant to dance! After the reception and everything was over we stopped by Joe's house again and hung out for a while. (In the picture I am obviously the pregnant one not jumping! And the Picture was taken by David Way.)
Monday, we went to see Batman with Steve and it is such a great movie! Chad says it tied with Ironman for him...but I think they are too different to be compared, both awesome movies. After Batman we went to Mark and Amy's apartment to have dinner and play games before the baby shower. The Shower was so fun! It was totally worth it to see my father-in-law drink water from a bottle! He actually won the game...he can suck! HAHA!
Tuesday, was the most relaxing day! We went to Lincoln City, a small town on the coast. We ate at Mo's which has my favorite clam chowder and then we went to the beach. We walked down to the water and I got in up to my ankles and decided that was cold enough. We then went and sat on some logs and just talked. It was great! We discussed all sorts of things, but a big topic was parenting...we got some great advice. We are so very blessed to have 2 sets of amazing parents who are incredibly supportive and wise! We then went back to Dundee, where we staying with Mom and Dad Burns. We ordered Papa Murphy's, which is not on the east coast! We relaxed and hung out. For Pictures of the beach trip click this link: Beach Trip.
Wednesday....began the long trek home, see previous post about Delta.
It was a great trip...just too short. We could have stayed another week at least!
The next time we go to the Pacific Northwest things will be very different because we will have our son with us! So exciting.
Posted by Charissa at 10:21 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
New House!!
We have moved! Finally, the house is finished...minus 3 door knobs and a window that needs replaced (but the new window is sitting in a box in the family room!). We closed the deal on Thursday 7/24/08 and had a bunch of guys help us move on Saturday 7/26/08. The kitchen is basically done, the bedrooms have beds and boxes and most other things are still in boxes....but we are officially moved in and I have forwarded the mail to the new address!
If you'd like our address leave a comment and I'll send it to you if I have your email address!
We are happy and the area is nice and has lots of trees...our dog Morgan loves to lay on the bed and look out the window into the trees!
Posted by Charissa at 1:16 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Family Heirloom
So about 28 years ago my dad was asked to shoot a cow for a farmer, Bill Whitescarver, who couldn't see much and was very old. My dad was told he would get a few steaks out of the deal. Bill had a gun for my dad to use, which my dad would have gladly brought his own to use. My dad went to the farm and Bill handed him a horribly rusty rifle. Praying that this rifle wouldn't backfire and kill him, he asked which cow he was supposed to shoot. Bill pointed to a group of cows very far away and said "Shoot the brown and white one by the tree." (there was no scope on the rifle). Bill explained that the cows hadn't been around people much so they could not get any closer! Of course, my dad is thinking "how the heck am I supposed to know which cow to shoot? All the cows are brown and white and by the tree!". Basically my dad chose a cow he had a good shot at and shot! After the shot was made and the cow was down, Bill said "You shot the wrong the cow!" My dad thought he was joking. Bill took the rifle (saying nothing) and walked to the barn. My dad followed. Bill, still saying nothing, got the tractor and started out toward the dead cow. They loaded the cow and went back to the barn and butchered it...Bill was still silent. They wrapped the meat and put it in the freezer. Since Bill was still not talking, my dad just said, "ok Bill I'm going to go home." And off my dad drove!
The next day or so, Bill shows up at my parents' house and started unloading boxes and boxes of the meat. So my dad went out and asked Bill what was going on. Bill said, "I told you that you shot the wrong the cow. This cow has been in the wild onions and the meat tastes like onions! I don't want it!" My dad helped unload an entire cow onto the front porch of their tiny house in West Virginia.
Then dad and mom were trying to figure out where they would put all this meat...a cow has an awful lot of meat! It all needed to be in a freezer, but they only had the little one with the refridgerator. So dad went and bought a freeer...the family heirloom!
I call it a family heirloom because it has lasted for so long and I can't rememebr our family not having it! But in the move yesterday we thought it had died! It was a sad sad moment. Mom, Dad, and I were a little solemn. Well, 5 minutes later mom comes in and says "WAIT! maybe it's not dead! It might be turned off!" So I ran out to the garage and replugged it in and turned the temperature dial and there came the hum!!! Old Faithful lives on!
Posted by Charissa at 9:43 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
Delta Airlines...NO GOOD!
I will post about our vacation to Oregon later, but right now I'd like to share with you the craziness of our flight back!
First of all we got to the Portland Airport in plenty of time for our flight to find out that it was an hour late....we only had an hour layover in Atlanta, GA. So with that flight being delayed an hour that meant we were getting to Atlanta about the same time our next flight was going to leave. So we were geared up for a free night in a hotel. But then we got into Atlanta at around 10:30PM EST and found out that our flight to Charlotte was delayed until 1AM! So we went and found a place to eat and hung out a little and got to the gate 45 minutes before the flight was scheduled to leave...just to find out it was canceled! So we went to the ticketing and check in to talk to a delta employee and found a mob-like line of 200+ people at the ticketing counter! We waited in line for a little while ust to hear an announcement that there were no more available hotels and to come back in the morning for the scheduled flight!
Apparently we were scheduled on another flight in the morning. However, not trusting Delta at all, we tried to see if we had a reservation at the kiosk and it found no reservation! We had no hope in actually getting on that flight in the morning and being in the beginning of my 7th month of pregnancy and it being 2AM I was not doing well!
We called my friend Kristen who lives in the Atlanta area and she picked us up...what an amazing friend! Of course there still was the issue of getting home to Charlotte. And we had to be home by 3:30PM for our house closing...lots of important documents to sign! My mom came down to Atlanta and picked us up in the morning and we made it to the lawyers office for the closing just in time! We then went to the airport and got our luggage.
Now we have to contact Delta and get something out of them! I greatly dislike Delta right now. Chad and I both missed an extra day at work so we lost pay and I am not feeling well and still need to recuperate!
So if Delta tries to give us flight vouchers I'm not going to be happy because I don't want to fly with them again...I'm hoping for free hotel nights. Of course if we do get flight vouchers I will use them.
Oh and we are moving tomorrow!
Posted by Charissa at 1:35 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The New Doctor
Just to let everyone know, my doctor's appointment yesterday went well. The doctor I saw was very nice and knowledgeable. Of course, I am still praying my original doctor's wife will be healed and he can be my doctor throughout the rest of this pregnancy, but if God has other plans then the new doctor will be good as well.
My son's heartbeat was strong and the doctor found it very easily. I am growing at the appropriate speed...they measure your fundal height (from the bottom of the uterus to the top) and I'm measuring normal.
There nothing I can do about the pain in my rib area, it's just my organs being smashed against my ribs and apparently is normal in short pregnant women. The doctor said "I don't know if you've noticed, but you're not 6'3"." I laughed and that made me like him more as a doctor since I can pretty stressed out at doctor's offices and laughing is the best way to get me calmed down.
My next appointment, in 3 weeks, is the glucose tolerance test for diabetes, which I'm not looking forward to since I haven't had sugar in over 8 years! This appointment is with the new doctor.
Right now I just can't wait to go on vacation to Oregon...we leave on thursday morning!
Posted by Charissa at 9:43 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Please Pray!
I found out today that my doctor's wife is sick and is in the hospital. My doctor will be out of the office with her. Please pray for them and that she is healed.
Also, I now will be seeing a different doctor at the same office. Pray that I don't let that stress me out...which it is already starting to do. We will be having our next appointment with the new guy on Friday.
Thanks for all who read this and for all the prayers.
Posted by Charissa at 4:31 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
4th Of July
Well, this 4th of July was different than the last few for Chad and I. We didn't really know where to go or what to do. We spent most of the day packing and re-organizing (Sadly some inspection went wrong with the new house and moving has been postponed for a week or more). Then we ate hot dogs and went out to a smallish town for fireworks. The past two years we have gone to Lincoln City, OR on the coast. This year we were in a Dollar General parking lot. Not as pretty as the Oregon coast! But the fireworks were pretty good. There were a couple smiley face fireworks that were very fun (I did not take the picture here)!
BUT the best part was that there was lightning going on at the same time...so we got a man-made fireworks show and a God one too! It was the first time I saw fireworks and lightning at the same time. It was very cool.
So thanks God for making my 4th of July amazing!
Posted by Charissa at 8:55 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The Childbirth Class
First of all, I will try not to be too graphic!
Last Friday we went to a Childbirth Preparation class. Friday evening wasn't so bad. The teacher discussed some anatomy and Chad and I already knew all that from science classes, but it was interesting to see the other fathers in the room and wide open eyes...as if to say "I had no idea all that was in my partner!". The teacher was funny and kept the mood upbeat, which was great since all us ladies are headed to the most difficult thing we've ever done! We discussed exercises and how to get "the gate" open (the gate is the pelvic bone). Gina, the teacher, talked about how if a gate doesn't move it will rust and will not open...a big problem if that happens to your pelvic bone! So I am doing my best to go on walks when I can and stay flexible.
Saturday was a longer day of class. We were there from 9:30 am to 3:30pm. This day we learned about the placenta and such and then the stages of labor! I have decided to give birth with no pain meds, I know I can do it! I have researched the options and talked with women who have given birth with and without pain meds. However, there were quite a few ladies that didn't know anything about it...funny since they were going to have to give birth in about a month or two! It was very interesting to see how they reacted to the stages of labor!
Then the videos came! Fun stuff! We saw lots of women give birth! I have no desire to see myself give birth...some people video tape the birth (NOT ME!), some people use a mirror to watch themselves give birth (NOT ME!), and one lady on the video actually pulled the baby out herself with little assistance from the Doctor (YIKES!). This was interesting. When the lady on the video reached down and pulled the baby out while pushing, I turned, shocked, to the girl next to me and said "Did she just...?" and the girl next to me also with a shocked face said "yep"! And then we agreed that we would NOT be doing that! There were lots of gasps and such during these videos.
After the videos, we learned some relaxation techniques to use during contractions. It was kinda odd because some of the positions were a bit scandalous and we were in a room of strangers. While getting into one somewhat scandalous position (I will not describe it), Gina, the teacher, said "Now I know this is how some of you got into this situation, but its also how you will get out of it!" That brought on a lot of laughter! It was and will be very useful to relax and get through contractions.
Overall it was a great class. Very informative. Now to wait a few months and put it all into action! I'm not going to lie...I'm nervous! I'm just thankful I have a husband who will be there to support me through it all, a mom to comfort me, a dad to pray in the waiting room, and lots of other people to pray as well! God never said life would be easy, but He did promise that He would be there with us!
Posted by Charissa at 1:53 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 30, 2008
I'm SO graceful!
Those of you who know me, know that I am not a graceful person. I tend to trip and run into things on a regular basis. Well, pregnancy has made it slightly worse! HAHA! I seem to have unbalanced/clumsy moments more frequently. Thankfully I can laugh at myself when these things occur. Here are a few highlights from my life.
Not Pregnant highlights:
1. I fell out of the shower and pulled the curtain off the rod with me!
2. I have frequently misjudged door frames and practically taken off my shoulder.
3. I have fallen down and up stairs on multiple occasions.
4. I have opened the car door into my head.
5. I have opened the bathroom door into my face.
6. I have fallen out of doors.
7. I'm sure there are even more, but they have probably caused brain damage so I can't remember them!
Pregnant highlights:
1. I was about to get into the shower (a dangerous thing for me) when Chad opened the door. I jumped back and landed with my right foot on the hairdryer plug and then almost fell forward out of pain.
2. I have a sizable bruise on my forearm from somehow whacking it on the corner of the dresser, which is not at the correct height to hit my forearm so it's a mystery.
3. I have almost knocked the wind out of me by opening the fridge door into my growing belly.
4. I have started to get out of bed to just fall back into bed for no apparent reason except my lack of balance.
5. I have knocked over my water glass on my nightstand numerous times.
6. I have rolled over in bed and hit my head on the nightstand.
7. I have begun dropping things very frequently and gotten skilled at using my feet to pick them up...sometimes just about falling over.
These are the ones I can remember...If you can remember more feel free to add a comment about it! Or leave a comment with an unbalanced moment of your own.
Posted by Charissa at 9:45 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
On the movement of my son
I was laying in bed a couple nights ago, which is when I feel the baby move the most, Chad had his hand on my belly and we were watching a movie. I realized that these movements were the biggest I've felt. I quickly asked to Chad to remove his hand and watch my stomach. We soon saw my belly twitch and move! This was the first time we actually saw the movement. It was pretty cool.
My mom finally felt a very small flutter yesterday...my dad has felt nothing yet, but he will. I am pretty sure that by the time I get to Oregon for our July visit people should be able to feel lots of movement since he seems to be kicking stronger everyday!
Once again I am in awe of God and His creation!
Posted by Charissa at 4:11 PM 3 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Yesterday, Chad and I were talking about how quickly the past year has gone. We have almost been in North Carolina for a year. The day was a relaxed day, we packed some for our 7th move as a married couple (in 4 years!), we hung out together and did things around the house. Overall a good day.
However, that night as I was trying to drift off to sleep I kept thinking about the past year...then it hit me and the tears began to fall. You see, yesterday was June 22nd and last year that was the day that we found out that I had a miscarriage and we would not be having a baby. That was the worst day of my life. I didn't cry yesterday because I was still grieving and upset at God and wishing it had never happened. I cried yesterday because I remembered the pain. I know that God has a plan and for that baby the plan was to be with Jesus quicker than I had anticipated. I now know that if we had that baby we wouldn't be having this one now...and when I look at the pictures (in the previous post) I know that God's plan for this baby is to be raised by Chad and I!
It was an interesting set of emotions as I remembered the pain of losing my first child, I was at the same time, feeling this new life in me kick and squirm. It was sadness and joy all at once, difficult to figure out and to handle.
I am so thankful that my Lord and Savior has my life figured out because I don't. I'm blessed beyond belief to be carrying this baby now. I am more than thankful to have a loving Heavenly Father who has plans for me and who holds me through the rough times and laughs with me through the joyful times.
Posted by Charissa at 10:57 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
God is Awesome!
At our last doctor visit we had an ultrasound. The technician and the Dr. thought there was a cyst in our son's head. Which they both assured us is common and should go away in the next couple months. Because of that we had another ultrasound at this appointment on Tuesday. The technician could find NO cyst and believed that the other technician just had a funny angle...I don't really care what happened, just that it's not there now! Thanks to God, Baby Burns is healthy, as far as we can tell!
Chad and I were rather happy to be able to see him again, he grew a lot in the past 4 weeks! Once again he was all squirming around during the ultrasound and it was super fun to feel him move and see him move on the screen at the same time! And at one point I'm pretty sure that he head-butted the ultrasound wand thing! That's my little boy! He also gave us a wave and we saw his tiny fingers. He even started to suck his thumb at one point...so fun!
I'm also healthy and having a normal pregnancy, which I'm finding out doesn't mean that its an easy pregnancy. Since I'm so short...5'1" (and maybe a half inch) , my organs are really getting squished...so I'm having "normal" pains with things like digestion! So much fun! But as long as it's normal there's really nothing to do, but endure it. I just keep reminding myself that it's temporary and in the end I will have an amazing little guy to love and raise with my husband!
Here are some pictures of Baby Burns at 22 weeks!
Posted by Charissa at 10:24 AM 2 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Kicking and punching!
I forgot in my last post to put my happy news! Chad felt the baby move a few days ago and has felt him move several times now. I'm so happy to be able to share this with him. My mom has tried to feel it a few times, but hasn't happened yet.
Also, today I sitting in my chair at work and felt some kicking and looked at my belly and saw it move! I haven't seen it before so I was pretty excited!
It always brightens my day to feel my son move! I can't wait to see him!
Posted by Charissa at 3:46 PM 1 comments
Definitely a Monday!
This was my Monday...and it all happened before lunch!
*I had a scratched contact...didn't feel so great. My mom had to rescue me and bring me a new contact at work!
*I got overwhelmed...my parents and Chad and I are moving in the next 3ish weeks. And there is a lot to pack while keeping the house clean enough to be shown to potential buyers!
*I have almost none stop phone calls from the time my butt hit the chair. One consisted of a mean customer and him calling me a not nice word all because I asked a question!
Finally lunch came...now I'm just trying to make it through the rest of the day so I can go home and relax a little.
We have a baby Dr. appointment tomorrow and I'm looking forward to that! And after the appointment will be packing!
I will post our new address when we move.
Posted by Charissa at 1:44 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
3 dogs - 1 dog = 2 dogs
Currently we have 3 dogs in our house (picture is of them all napping)...and all are inside dogs (NC is not cool enough for outside dogs in my opinion). For those of you who don't know...Chad and I live with my parents ...don't feel sorry for us because it works out great and it's actually a lot of fun!
We have Snoops, the very old black and white bassett hound. She is the family dog that my family got as a puppy a long time ago. She sleeps a lot and doesn't do much else!
We have Sammy, the little brown Pugle (mix between a Pug and a Beagle). He was given to my parents for them to find him a good home. The previous owners moved and couldn't take him with them. He's been with my parents for a while now. He plays/irriatates the other dog Morgan.
We have Morgan, the brindle and white Basenji/something mix. She is Chad and my dog who moved out here with us from Oregon. She will tolerate Snoops as long as Snoops is sleeping. She will play with Sammy on her terms and growl at Sammy the rest of the time.
Well, we finally found Sammy a great home! He will be going to live with Brian soon. Brian is the most awesome Scottish man I have ever met. He is a bit older than my parents. He met my dad at a cigar shop and my dad and him became good friends. The few times that Brian has been over for dinner he has mentioned that he'd like to get a small dog. His miniature schnauzer died a year or two ago. He has also fallen in love with Sammy. So we all decided that we should give Sammy to him. I really think this will be good for everyone. Sammy will get to be the top dog, since there aren't any other dogs at Brian's house. Brian will let Sammy up on the furniture and I know that Brian will love Sammy like crazy! Plus, Snoops won't have to share a bed with Sammy anymore. And Morgan will be less stressed out, since she is very territorial and Sammy likes to steal her toys and food...which leads to dog fighting! I'm looking forward to hearing how sammy takes to his new home and owner...I think it's a perfect match!
So very soon our house will become a 2 dog house and Brian will have the joy of a dog again!
Posted by Charissa at 3:06 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The Dog!
The third post in one day I'm on a roll! Well, this is an update on our silly dog, Morgan! Recently she has been getting up during the night and going into the other room to sleep on the Papasan Chair (you know those big round funky bamboo chairs with the big cushions). Yesterday we moved the chair. The new placement of the chair is in a place where Morgan can't see the door or the window, she used to be able to see both. It is my speculation that she isn't very happy with this. Last night, she got up as usual to go to the chair and then she came back to our bed and whined at me. I invited her onto the bed and she jumped up...no big deal. But then at some point between the whining time and the time I got up to use the restroom (which happens once or twice a night now) she had gotten off the bed and spread the bathroom trash all over the hallway. So when I got up to use the restroom I had the wonderful surprise of floss and tissue all over the hall. Lucky me, I got to clean it all up. I went back to bed hoping to get another 30 minutes of sleep...but no. Morgan was whining and the sun was too bright...so no sleep was going to happen. I got up and started my day!
I really do love Morgan, she is a great dog...but she's a little quirky! Maybe God is trying to show me what it is going to be like with a kid! Anyway that was the start to my day...of course I'll go home tonight after work and Morgan will be there all excited and doing her wiggle wiggle grunt dance (some of you know that dance!) and that big goofball dog will brighten my day and snuggle and play with me!
Posted by Charissa at 11:19 AM 2 comments
Funny onesies!
The day we found out that we were going to have a boy we did a little shopping. We didn't buy these, but thought they were funny!
Posted by Charissa at 11:09 AM 1 comments