Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Childbirth Class

First of all, I will try not to be too graphic!

Last Friday we went to a Childbirth Preparation class. Friday evening wasn't so bad. The teacher discussed some anatomy and Chad and I already knew all that from science classes, but it was interesting to see the other fathers in the room and wide open if to say "I had no idea all that was in my partner!". The teacher was funny and kept the mood upbeat, which was great since all us ladies are headed to the most difficult thing we've ever done! We discussed exercises and how to get "the gate" open (the gate is the pelvic bone). Gina, the teacher, talked about how if a gate doesn't move it will rust and will not open...a big problem if that happens to your pelvic bone! So I am doing my best to go on walks when I can and stay flexible.

Saturday was a longer day of class. We were there from 9:30 am to 3:30pm. This day we learned about the placenta and such and then the stages of labor! I have decided to give birth with no pain meds, I know I can do it! I have researched the options and talked with women who have given birth with and without pain meds. However, there were quite a few ladies that didn't know anything about it...funny since they were going to have to give birth in about a month or two! It was very interesting to see how they reacted to the stages of labor!

Then the videos came! Fun stuff! We saw lots of women give birth! I have no desire to see myself give birth...some people video tape the birth (NOT ME!), some people use a mirror to watch themselves give birth (NOT ME!), and one lady on the video actually pulled the baby out herself with little assistance from the Doctor (YIKES!). This was interesting. When the lady on the video reached down and pulled the baby out while pushing, I turned, shocked, to the girl next to me and said "Did she just...?" and the girl next to me also with a shocked face said "yep"! And then we agreed that we would NOT be doing that! There were lots of gasps and such during these videos.

After the videos, we learned some relaxation techniques to use during contractions. It was kinda odd because some of the positions were a bit scandalous and we were in a room of strangers. While getting into one somewhat scandalous position (I will not describe it), Gina, the teacher, said "Now I know this is how some of you got into this situation, but its also how you will get out of it!" That brought on a lot of laughter! It was and will be very useful to relax and get through contractions.

Overall it was a great class. Very informative. Now to wait a few months and put it all into action! I'm not going to lie...I'm nervous! I'm just thankful I have a husband who will be there to support me through it all, a mom to comfort me, a dad to pray in the waiting room, and lots of other people to pray as well! God never said life would be easy, but He did promise that He would be there with us!


ryan said...

what? give birth? i always thought you just went to the store and bought a baby... of course you had to trade the golden egg in your stomach for it.

Amy said...

I made it to 10 cm with no epidural and then they made me have one because they needed to slow me down (David was ready to come and they hadn't even called the doctor yet). Which, in retrospect, is REALLY funny because I had said the whole time that I wanted the epidural. (Everything just happened so fast- that's why I didn't get one earlier- then when I knew i was at 10 I didn't want one but had to get it anyway). Anyhow, I think with my next I'm going to do an all natural labor. You can do it! My advice though, not that you asked, is to go in with an open mind because almost everyone I know who has had babies has ended up with a labor unlike what they expected it to be.