Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, November 10, 2008

More personality!

I'm amazed that at almost 2 weeks old Jake is showing so much personality! He's going to be a funny kid! I wish I could describe his personality and what he does, but I think you'd have to come and spend a few days to see it. Here are a few observations and updates...

1. He hates getting his diaper changed and his clothes changed. But if he is naked and you are holding him he's happy!

2. He makes funny noises in his sleep. Squeaks, grunts, tiny little screams.

3. When his belly is full and I'm trying to burp him he will sometimes fall asleep and get a very funny squishy face, I'll try to get a picture.

4. He likes to sleep with his hands in little fists and arms as if he is showing off his muscles. He rarely sleeps any other way.

5. He has started to sleep more between feedings, sometimes. This is great! There have been a few times that we have gotten 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep and few times of a little more!

6. As he is falling asleep he frequently smiles, big smiles!

7. Morgan, our dog, licked his head this morning. Jake responded with big, wide open eyes! It was pretty funny. She just walked in and gave him 2 quick licks on the top of his head.

8. He likes his pacifier. We were planning on waiting a month before using one, but he is such a good eater and he just needs it to go to sleep sometimes. We greatly like the definitely helps him sleep, which helps us sleep! Sometimes he looks like Maggie Simpson with the way he sucks the pacifier.

9. He's a good baby. Not too fussy. He has his moments, but he's pretty good.

10. I am completely in love with him!

That's all for now.


Anonymous said...

You're making me fall in love with him!

B.W. said...

wow.... the comparisons to jer at age 24 are amazing!! you have a mini-jer!