Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Dog!

The third post in one day I'm on a roll! Well, this is an update on our silly dog, Morgan! Recently she has been getting up during the night and going into the other room to sleep on the Papasan Chair (you know those big round funky bamboo chairs with the big cushions). Yesterday we moved the chair. The new placement of the chair is in a place where Morgan can't see the door or the window, she used to be able to see both. It is my speculation that she isn't very happy with this. Last night, she got up as usual to go to the chair and then she came back to our bed and whined at me. I invited her onto the bed and she jumped big deal. But then at some point between the whining time and the time I got up to use the restroom (which happens once or twice a night now) she had gotten off the bed and spread the bathroom trash all over the hallway. So when I got up to use the restroom I had the wonderful surprise of floss and tissue all over the hall. Lucky me, I got to clean it all up. I went back to bed hoping to get another 30 minutes of sleep...but no. Morgan was whining and the sun was too no sleep was going to happen. I got up and started my day!

I really do love Morgan, she is a great dog...but she's a little quirky! Maybe God is trying to show me what it is going to be like with a kid! Anyway that was the start to my day...of course I'll go home tonight after work and Morgan will be there all excited and doing her wiggle wiggle grunt dance (some of you know that dance!) and that big goofball dog will brighten my day and snuggle and play with me!


Unknown said...

Whoa... three posts in one day! Holy Prolificity, Batman!

Speaking of which... Batman must be getting up there in years by now, he probably needs the big signs to help him remember where he lives.

Loved the baby shirts!

Ah, the wiggle wiggle grunt dance... and the distribution of bathroom trash. Morgan, you quirky dog you...

ryan said...

poor morgan. she is probably feeling a little insecure because little cornelius (that's his name right?) is coming.

i babysat a 16 month old the other night and he woke up crying about 4 or 5 times. i sat with him... played with dinosaurs and thomas the tank engine and he was out again. have fun not sleeping much for the next couple years. :)