I titled this not as a Birth Story but a Saga, because well it was very long!
It all began Saturday morning (10-25) when the mild Braxton Hicks like contractions began coming every 15-20 minutes and lasting about a minute long. Now these were really no big deal and I would say I didn't really start what I considered labor until later that afternoon when I the contractions picked up to every 5-12 minutes and I started needing to breath through most of them because they had become more intense (still not too bad). But they did wake me up that night and we really didn't sleep. I knew things were happening. Sunday (10-26) we called the nurses line for my doctor's office and let them know the contractions were 5-7 minutes apart. The nurse contacted the doctor on call and told us to go to the hospital to get checked. Well, apparently things weren't really happening as I had hoped, because when we got to the hospital I was only about 2cm dilated. They sent us home. Sunday night was another night of no sleep just a few minutes rest between contractions.
Monday (10-27), the contractions were a little closer together. I couldn't sleep anymore and got up around 6:30am. I got a bowl of cereal and halfway through it my water broke! Obviously this was time to go the hospital. We got to the hospital around 8am and were admitted, however, I hadn't dilated anymore! The contractions got a little closer together, still irregular, and a little more intense. Still, was barely dilating. We and the doctor decided that in a few hours I should be started on Pitocin to try to kickstart things; however, I got some pain meds first so I could rest for an hour or so before the harder labor began with the Pitocin. Somewhere between 4-5pm I got the Pitocin. By around 7:30-8pm the contractions had picked up in intensity and were closer together, I was dilating slowly, but faster than before. I was so tired and realized that if I didn't get something for the pain there was no way I was going to have the energy to push (remember no sleep since Friday night). I got an epidural around 8:30pm. I was pretty tired and took a short rest only to wake up to my mom saying something about the baby's heartbeat being 80 bpm! Chad came over to my bed and mom ran out to get the nurse. Nurses rushed in, the doctor was called, they put an oxygen mask on me. I was instructed to roll over and people started prodding me and everything was a flurry! I was scared and tried to focus on praying and breathing deeply. The doctor got there and the heartbeat was back up. What had happened was that the Pitocin made the contractions too close together and little Jacob just kinda freaked out from it! They stopped the Pitocin for a while and thankfully I kept contracting well. They eventually put me back on the Pitocin, just much less of it.
Tuseday (10-28), 3am rolled around and it was time to push. I felt the need to push with the contractions and I gave it all my might! With my mom, the cheerleader, on side grabbing one of my legs and Chad, the comforter, on the other side, I pushed hard for 2 hours and a little bit. Our nurse during the last leg of the journey was incredible and very encouraging as well. At one point Jake's heartbeat slowed again and this time he just didn't like the position I was in while pushing, so we switched between two other positions instead. The doctor was talking c-section at several points, but luckily Jake started moving out. The doctor used the vacuum during one push which was a little scary, but probably saved me several pushes. The final push was at 5:15am! He was 7lbs 14oz., 19.5 inches long, and handsome!
The pushing was the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life! But by far the this whole process was the most rewarding thing in world!
There is nothing like having that gooey, beautiful baby laid on your stomach when you have worked so hard for it!
God did an amazing thing here! The doctor was talking c-section several times, but God had a different plan...to give me the right people to support and encourage me through, and to give me the strength to carry on!
Here is a link to the pictures from this saga and a few from Jacob Michael Burns first day in the world! Jake's first day!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Birth Saga of Jacob Michael
Posted by Charissa at 8:48 AM 5 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The induction is scheduled!
Well, if nothing happens before Wednesday the 29th, we will heading to the hospital and getting induced at 7:30AM.
I'd love for things to happen on their own and sooner, but I will have baby one way or the other!
I'm pretty excited!
Posted by Charissa at 11:26 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The end is in site!
The doctor appointment went well today. Baby is right there ready to go! I am just over half a centimeter dilated...so not much. The doc said that I could very much go into labor anytime now! But he doesn't want me to go too far past the yesterday due date. So, I am now waiting for a call telling me when an induction time has been set. He said they will call and give me a time for next Wednesday...Oct. 29th! We have another appointment on Monday just to check progress.
If I don't go into labor within a week, they will induce labor! This actually makes me feel better...I will not be pregnant forever!!! At the latest, our baby boy will born next Wednesday!
I'm waiting and relaxing! Of course, I would like to go into labor naturally. So keep on praying for labor soon and a safe quick delivery. Thanks!
Posted by Charissa at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Due Date!
Today is my due date. So anyone who reads this please pray like crazy that I will go into labor very very soon....like now! Also prayer for a quick safe delivery!
I will post tomorrow after the doctor appointment....unless I'm in labor!
Posted by Charissa at 2:38 PM 5 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Third Post today!
At my doctor's appointment yesterday was good in the sense that my baby is healthy, good heartbeat. But there is no progression toward labor. No signs that labor is coming soon. This was a little sad....because I am so ready to have this little kid! I want to see his face and move from pregnancy to motherhood! I've got 5 days until my due date....I'm seriously praying and hoping that I will go into labor within these 5 days!
On a very different note. Please pray for Chad's family. His Aunt passed away last night. She has been battling cancer for several years. She is now with Jesus and has no more cancer, which is so great. But is sad for those of us left behind. Pray that Aunt Nancy's husband, kids, sisters, brother (Chad's dad), parents, and all other family find peace that she is pain-free and in Jesus' arms!
Posted by Charissa at 9:30 AM 1 comments
Very interesting video
A friend sent me this link. In a previous post I already said that people need to do their research and vote intelligently! This is a very important election!
Here's the link to the video CLICK HERE!
Posted by Charissa at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Tagged 9th
I was tagged by Ryan. I was supposed to post the ninth picture from the ninth album in "my pictures". However, I have a mac and so I looked in iPhoto where the ninth album only has one picture! Most of our pictures are stored online using Picasa so I looked there hoping that I could find a ninth photo in the ninth album....I DID! I've posted my ninth picture from my ninth album (in Picasa). This is a picture of the Sea Gypsy hotel in Lincoln City, Oregon. I've never stayed there, but I think the name is hilarious and it's a landmark for me anytime I go to Lincoln City. Sadly, I can't go there often anymore, becuase I live North Carolina.
I will tag Dane.
The tag game is taking place here The Silent Podium.
Posted by Charissa at 9:00 AM 1 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Carved Pumpkins 2008!
We really love our October tradition of carving pumpkins. While the pumpkin belly of the previous post was awesome, we decided we really needed carve our real pumpkins!
We went for easier this year, but we think was still creative!HAPPY BABY-WEEN! It will be a Halloween focused around a new baby this year in our house...we can't wait!
For more pictures of our pumpkins, including the Pumpkin Belly from the previous post click: HERE!
Posted by Charissa at 10:26 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Yearly October Tradition
It is a yearly tradition that Chad and I carve pumpkins. We are still going to try to fit this in before I go into labor. But in case we don't we decided we had to do something!!!
We got some face paint...mixed the red and the yellow....and well this was the outcome!That's right! That is my pregnant belly painted like a Jack-O-Lantern! Chad and I were quite proud of our creativity and artwork! We are so goofy!
Happy October! Happy Pumpkin carving...or painting! To see all the pictures we took of this event (and above post event) click: HERE!
Posted by Charissa at 5:56 PM 9 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
If babies could vote!
I haven't done extensive research on this, but the little research I have done on this subject shows that if babies could vote they wouldn't be voting for Obama. Apparently in 2001 he voted against the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act. Which in extremely basic terms states that if an abortion is performed and the baby shows signs of life they are to be treated as a living human and have medical attention under state law. This Act came up apparently because at Christ Hospital they were leaving the living aborted babies to die. I am fully against abortion...to me once conception occurs that child is a life!
Do the research yourself on the candidates and either don't vote or make a very informed decision!
Posted by Charissa at 4:29 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
38 week appointment
Nothing to report...no dilation or effacement. But baby Burns is low and ready to go. So if only my body would kick into gear!
On a different note...I love the fall! It is my favorite season!!! Winter is 2nd and then Spring and Summer is last. I love the cool weather, leaves falling, having the windows open at night! To me once the weather begins to cool down and it is officially autumn...I believe the holiday season begins. To me the holiday season isn't just thanksgiving and christmas. It's the when the whole warm feeling begins. Mornings where you want tea or coffee or hot chocolate...not just they are good or a habit, but because its chilly outside! Pumpkins...I love pumpkins, and the pie that comes from it!
BUT! This fall is extra special! Our son is going to be born. What a better time for this to happen. So from this year on I will not only love the fall for so many reasons plus the ones listed above, but also because of our sons birthday! I'm super excited and truly loving this season of the year and of my life.
We have pumpkins ready to carve. We have a pumpkin outfit for the baby. I have made a few fall decorations and put them up. It is the fall!
So as I wait to go into labor I'm doing my best to fully enjoy the weather and fall feeling that I love so much!
Posted by Charissa at 10:50 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Ready and Nesting
The carseat is in the car. The hospital bags are packed. The nursery is done...minus 2 pieces of artwork I'm working on. Everything is in place! Chad has been ready for a long time. And I am now fully ready to get this show on the road.
The nesting urge has kicked in. However, being 2 weeks and a day away from the due date, I'm pretty uncomfortable and getting little sleep at night so naps are necessary. I do take naps as long as I can get my mind to calm down. It's very strange I used to dread cleaning the bathroom or bedroom and now everyday that goes by that I don't, it drives me a little more crazy!
Well, we have another doctor appointment tomorrow. I will post any news tomorrow!
Onto cleaning and a nap at some point!
Posted by Charissa at 11:34 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
37 week Dr. Appointment
Well, nothing really to report on the doctor appointment. He checked the heartbeat and we talked about when to call the office or go to the hospital. Everything is good and normal. Just waiting...and waiting...and waiting.
I'll write more when I know more. We go back to the Dr. next Tuesday.
Posted by Charissa at 8:37 PM 0 comments