Hear are few of my random thoughts...
- Green Tea soy ice cream tastes like grass.
- Baby girls must grow slower than boys...a 6 month old girl was 15lbs and Jake is probably nearing 14lbs at 2 months and a few weeks.
- I like unsweet iced tea with a smidge of equal!
- God's amazing at reconnecting old friends when a friend is needed (my best friend from 9th grade in New Jersey lives 5 minutes away!).
- I wish it were March...can't wait to see my mother-in-law and sister-in-law and go to PA and OH with my mom and Jake.
- Babies born with teeth are creepy.
- Chad's a great husband and a great dad.
- I like to bake.
Jake at Chad's office on New Year's day...

Jake was playing and then decided to taste test his fist (he does this a lot)...

Me, Jake, and Morgan hangin' out on the floor...

All ready for church (such blue eyes)...

Hanging with dad...

He likes elephant blanket he got from Uncle Frank...

Fun in the Bumbo seat...Morgan joined in and sat too...

That last shot cracked me up! And the fist-tasting one... Jake is da man!
Caption on the last photo.... "Is that an AIR-HEAD in your hand, Dad???" ;)
P.S. He's the cutest ever! Love you!
Hadn't seen these bumbo seat photos...way too cute!
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