Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wow! 4 years!

Today is Chad and my 4 year anniversary. Most of the time it seems like we have been married much longer than that. But sometimes it seems that couldn't have been married that long! We told ourselves in preparing for marriage that we would plan on waiting 5 years before having kids, but we both agreed it would be more like 3 or 4 years. And it seems we were just about right, we'll be having our first kid at around 4.5 years after the wedding! We are taking this weekend to get away since it will our last time for a while; although, my parents say they will gladly take the little boy and "let" us get away. Which I think is code for..."we will be taking our grandson for a weekend whether you like it or not so you better just take a vacation!" :) Anyway, we are heading to Asheville, NC (a town in the "mountains")tomorrow and will be returning on Sunday. We really enjoy exploring new places so this will be lots of fun! I've only pasted through Asheville and Chad has never ever been there. I will post pictures when we get back and I'm sure there will be at least one story to tell...maybe we will get which case I like to hide the GPS so we have to find our own way haha!

I am so blessed to be able to share this life with the man of my dreams! God did an amazing job bringing us together from opposite coasts!


Patty said...

Congratulations! Hope you had a good time!