Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wow! 4 years!

Today is Chad and my 4 year anniversary. Most of the time it seems like we have been married much longer than that. But sometimes it seems that couldn't have been married that long! We told ourselves in preparing for marriage that we would plan on waiting 5 years before having kids, but we both agreed it would be more like 3 or 4 years. And it seems we were just about right, we'll be having our first kid at around 4.5 years after the wedding! We are taking this weekend to get away since it will our last time for a while; although, my parents say they will gladly take the little boy and "let" us get away. Which I think is code for..."we will be taking our grandson for a weekend whether you like it or not so you better just take a vacation!" :) Anyway, we are heading to Asheville, NC (a town in the "mountains")tomorrow and will be returning on Sunday. We really enjoy exploring new places so this will be lots of fun! I've only pasted through Asheville and Chad has never ever been there. I will post pictures when we get back and I'm sure there will be at least one story to tell...maybe we will get which case I like to hide the GPS so we have to find our own way haha!

I am so blessed to be able to share this life with the man of my dreams! God did an amazing job bringing us together from opposite coasts!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Blog revamped!

So I decided since I, Charissa, am the one in our family who blogs...I would combine the family blog and my blog into this one. I went through several names and I'm sure it will change again at some point! I actually like change.

Now for family updates and my random thoughts, you can come here to "Dinosaurs, Pancakes, and God"

Basically the title is 3 things that I like and mean something to me.
Dinosaurs: They are cool. It is the theme of my son's room. I have a stegosaurus kite.
Pancakes: My dad used to make pancakes on random Thursday mornings and wake p my brother and I extra early to eat them. And since then I just really like them and make them when I can.
God: Well...He made Dinosaurs and Pancakes! Plus He is the leader of my life and I would have no hope or direction without Him.

So there it is. Enjoy.

What a cute little guy!

He's waving to us!!

Ummm...Definitely a BOY!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

We broke the mold!

So any friend of mine that is pregnant and knows the gender of the baby is having a girl!....BUT We broke the mold and are having a BOY!!! We are so excited. Neither of us really had a preference of boy or girl, just healthy! The ultrasound was great and he is a very healthy little baby...and I'm guessing he is very active since I feel him kicking and moving all the time. Plus he wouldn't stay still for the technician to measure his head, she did finally get the picture but he was all squirmy!

I will post the ultrasound pictures and maybe a video as soon as Chad is here to help!

Monday, May 19, 2008

More Movement

Once again I am brought to amazement of God's gift of pregnancy! God has done an amazing job at making the cool parts of pregnancy far outweigh the not cool parts. I haven't had morning sickness in a while, although I still do get headaches and have days of low energy and other interesting pregnancy symptoms. However, all those not so fun things seem to disappear when I feel the acrobatics of the baby, which I am feeling more and more now.

I just can't thank God enough for this blessing growing in me. This is the coolest thing I have ever done...carry our child. I wouldn't give this up for anything.

God has seriously done an incredible job...I just can't wait to meet this little kid face to face.

We will get to see a black and white fuzzy picture of the baby tomorrow (aka an ultrasound). Hopefully we will be able to get to know our baby a little better and find out if its a boy or a girl.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


My Friend Cyndie tagged me...basically she asked me these questions and asked that I answer them to the whole world (well at least to the people who read my blog!

What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was chomping at the bit to get out of 10th grade for the summer. That coming summer I believe I was working at a summer day camp/daycare...I was excited about it before I started doing it!

5 things on your to do list for today:

1) Go for a walk...done!

2) Go to the dentist...done!

3) Get the mystery stain out of Chad's pant leg (the joys of being a wife!)

4) Hopefully get a short nap...maybe on the hammock!

5) And make dinner for my family.

5 things you would do if you were a billionaire:

Oh so lovely to dream about!

1) Go on some great adventure to a different country with my brother!

2) Get a few cars: Audi R8 for Chad, Volvo XC90 for me, and the 2009 Camaro Bumblebee edition for fun!

3) Build a large house for Chad and I and our growing family with a ranch for my parents next door.

4) Take a family trip to Ireland with both sets of parents and siblings.

5) Buy/build a lake house for dad and I to go fishing at whenever we want! And to be able to let our Pastors take a break at when they a pastor's kid I know how important that is!

Name 3 bad habits:
I'm perfect! haha yeah right!

1) Leaving my clothes on the floor. (Until I do laundry and have to collect them all)

2) Ignoring cleaning/laundry duties up to a day to play a video game or watch a TV show.

3) Leaving water glasses all over the house...Like the little girl in the movie "Signs".

List 5 jobs you have had:

1) Part of the grounds crew at a golf course...I raked the sand traps every morning and then filled in divots (occasionally I mowed the rough)

2) Tilikum Staff Member...I was in charge of a group of 10-12 kids for each week of the summer for camp...Let me just say 3 things: Teaching kids just of 1st grade to canoe is an interesting experience, Teaching kids just out of 2nd grade archery is a scary experience, and pushing kids on a GIANT swing and hearing them scream...priceless!

3) Title 1/ESL teacher...I taught some kids to read, some I helped with math, and some I taught English in an elementary school in Idaho.

4) Middle and High School Art teacher...I taught at a small Christian school in Oregon.

5) Activity Director at an assisted living facility in Oregon...Trying to entertain the elderly, what a task.

And there have been so many more than just those 5.

List 5 books that you have recently read:

1) the Bible

2) At the Back of the North Wind

3) Don't Bump the Glump

4) Personality Plus

5) What to Expect When Your Expecting

And Now I'm going to Tag Bethany, Aunt Patty, and I better be seeing your answers in your blogs!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Baby's First outfit!

So Chad and I came home the other day to a wonderful surprise! There was a package sitting there with no return address. But the postage said Gibsonia, PA so that narrows it down! The card said it was from the Stork. So thank you Gibsonia Stork for this adorable gift...I can't wait to see the baby in it!

By the way it says "Little Lamb" on it.

15 weeks and 5 days pregnant!

Here is a picture of me and my baby bump at 15 weeks and 5 days. I'm doing pretty well, just can't wait until the next Dr. appointment on May 20th. We get to have an ultrasound done and hopefully find out if its a boy or girl!!!