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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Being Pregnant

Well, for those who don't know yet and read my blog...I'm pregnant! Chad and I are very excited. I'm just starting my 13th week. It has been an emotional roller coaster! Up until my last Dr. appointment I was a nervous wreck. With having a previous miscarriage at 10 weeks it was hard to let myself be excited for a while. But once we were past the 10 week mark and heard the heartbeat again, I felt like I could really start being excited. I have learned a ton about trusting God and giving things to Him. I'm so glad that He is in control and not me. And with pregnancy God is totally in control, the baby's development is out of my control completely. Now of course I can make sure I take my vitamins and eat right, but really my baby is in God's hands. It's not easy to surrender control over, but it definitely worth it.

Check out our update blog, the link is on the left of this page, for more pregnancy info.