Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 23, 2009

The past few weeks!

Nana (Chad's mom) and Aunt Angie (Chad's sister) were here to visit for a week. We had a great time together! It was so fun for Jake to get to know them more and vice versa. Here are some pictures from that week. We went on walks and played and hung out together it was very relaxing!

Right after Nana and Aunt Angie left, my mom, Jake, and I left for a trip to Pittsburgh, PA and then over to Ohio and back home. It was a lot of driving, but worth it. Jake met his Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma Grubbs. He met his Great Uncle Jon, my cousins Josh and Jeremy. And saw Great Aunt Patty and my cousin Beth again. We went over to Ohio and he met his Great Great Aunt Joyce. Here are some pictures from the trip.

Josh, my cousin, and Jake

Aunt Patty and Jake
Jake's St. Patty's Day outfit!

My cousin, Beth and Jake
Uncle Jon and Jake, and Beth

Jake and his Great Grandpa Grubbs
Jake and his Great Grandma Grubbs
Jake and his Great Great Aunt Joyce
We also met Levi, a very important little boy! Levi was basically adopted into our family by Aunt Patty and Uncle Jon. He's not actually adopted, but he spends a lot time with them and we all think of him as part of our family. I wish I had gotten a picture of him with Jake, but Levi was too busy being an active boy to be in a picture!