Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Here are 2 pictures of Jacob. Your job is to post a comment with the caption you think the picture should have! Make sure you number the captions so I know which picture they go with. Your prize for winning will be a post with the picture, caption, and your name! And if I know you I'll write a little something about how great you are! (Chad and I will be the Judges) I will end the contest when I feel like it!

Here are the 2 pictures...

#1 Jake in the Bumbo seat

#2 Jake and the Boppy


judy said...

When does this Cup-n-saucer ride take off, anyway? I'm ready!

judy said...

Oh, man...all this sitting up is making me dizzy...anybody got an aspirin? (pic #20

judy said...

(oops...that was pic #2 :))

Anonymous said...

picture #1

Whaddya mean potty training? Hush yo mouth, momma!

kristen said...

#1 "If I had a purple crayon, I'd create my OWN world up in here!"

#2 "I thought I had a thought....and then I didn't...."

Heidi Boos said...

I'm trying to come up with something clever! Don't quit the contest quite yet! :)

BTW: That wasn't my caption entry. ;)

ryan said...

#1 "Snap! Three goombas and I forgot my fire flower!"

#2 "Somebody shaved my head while I was sleeping!"

Unknown said...

#1 Sticking with our comment from the original note, even though it's an inside joke:
"Is that an AIR-HEAD in your hand, Dad???" ;) -Eva-Lynn

#2 "Awwww, crap... I think my diapers need a bailout..." -Travis

ryan said...

#1 "A milk bottle the size of a house! There is a God!"

#2 "Oh spit! I inflated this thing too much and now my hands can't reach the computer keyboard. How will I ever get those emails finished?"

Heidi Boos said...

Darn it! I just can't come up with anything funny enough that will beat out these cute captions already listed. However, I will say that your sweet baby Jacob is so stinkin' adorable!

B.W. said...

pic 2-
jake looking for clues to start the new generation of the grubbs detective agency.

pic 1-
a new case for the grubbs detective agency- what am i sittin on?!