There are 3 winners...1 for the first picture and a tie for the second picture. These are all very close friends to me and my family!
For the first picture...KRISTEN! Here is the Picture and the Caption."If I had a purple crayon, I'd create my OWN world up in here!"
Why she won... well here's a picture of Harold from the book "Harold and the Purple Crayon"... notice the resemblance of Harold and Jacob above! I seriously to get this book...I love it and Jacob looks just like Harold! It's so funny!
A little about Kristen... I've known Kristen for something like 12 years (maybe 11). She is like a sister to me. She has been a steady friend. I miss her, but I'm glad that I'm only 4 hours from her now! She has cleaned my teeth...she's a dental hygienist. She is a true woman of God and has unwavering faith it's inspiring. Our favorite thing to do together other than talk is anything that requires creativity...recently it's been make earrings. I think Kristen is great and am extremely thankful and blessed to have her as a friend.
For the second picture is a tie...I just couldn't decide... RYAN and TRAVIS.
Here is the picture and their captions...Ryan- "Somebody shaved my head while I was sleeping!"
Travis- "Awwww, crap... I think my diapers need a bailout..."
Ryan and Travis won simply because We thought these captions were very funny.
A little about Ryan: We met him in college. He was a freshman on Chad's floor our Junior year . Later, he ended living in our yellow house in Newberg. Actually, he was our first housemate (we rented out/opened up our extra rooms to friends). We did a lot with Ryan while he lived with us...went to Costco a lot, went to the zoo, went to an Ansel Adams exhibit. He then moved to South Korea to teach English. He is still there teaching and loving it. He takes amazing pictures of his travels. We webcam with him when we can and miss him a ton. He is our photographing, motorcycle riding friend.
A little about Travis: We met Travis the same way in the same place as Ryan. He also ended up living with us in the yellow house in Newberg. He lived with us longer than Ryan. We played an amazing amount of games with him and his girlfriend (now she's his wife). I was in his wedding and Chad did the video for the wedding. They are now in Colorado and are going to grad school. He is a SuperChemist! He and his wife are very close friends of ours and we seriously miss them! We have fond memories of games and candy with them...particularly AirHeads. We wish we lived closer and can't wait to have them visit. He is our white and nerdy friend! haha!
There were so many great captions. All of them were creative. Thank you so much for the captions maybe we will have new pictures and have another contest!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Winners of the Caption Contest!
Posted by Charissa at 12:06 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Caption Contest Ending soon!
I have decided that the Caption Contest will end quite soon! So get your entries in and be on the look out for the winners! There may be a tie... I'm not sure yet!
Thanks for the entries so far! We've had fun reading them!
Posted by Charissa at 11:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Here are 2 pictures of Jacob. Your job is to post a comment with the caption you think the picture should have! Make sure you number the captions so I know which picture they go with. Your prize for winning will be a post with the picture, caption, and your name! And if I know you I'll write a little something about how great you are! (Chad and I will be the Judges) I will end the contest when I feel like it!
Here are the 2 pictures...
#1 Jake in the Bumbo seat
#2 Jake and the Boppy
Posted by Charissa at 11:31 PM 11 comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentine's Day!
We didn't really do anything special for Valentine's Day this year. Chad got me some flowers and I made his pizza in the shape of a heart. We did do some room rearranging, which has nothing to do with Valentine's Day, but it's something we like to do sometimes!
Jake has started teething, we are pretty sure. But he might also be fighting a little cold. It's hard to tell. Anyway, here some recent pictures.
The heart Hawaiian pizza...
2/12/09 happy face!...
2/13/09 Holding his Valentine's card from Aunt Angie and Uncle Jeremy...
2/14/09 Helping make the bed! He was on one side, I made the other side of the bed and he started grabbing the sheet!...
I hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day. Tomorrow is a memorable day for Chad and I... 6 years ago on 2/15 we started dating. And 1 year ago on 2/15 we found out we were pregnant with Jacob!
Posted by Charissa at 11:08 PM 2 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
This is a big post!
First off here is the long awaited roll over video...of course since the day he rolled over 4 times he hasn't rolled over since!
It's been a long few days since my last post. Here are a few things that have happened.
1. I've gladly been the chauffeur for my friend Sara who injured her knee again (well the doctor injured it we think). I've loved getting to spend extra time with her!
2.Then this past Saturday my dad's best friend and close friend of the family passed away suddenly. That was a very difficult day. This past Wednesday was the memorial service. And today I took my car into his garage to have some work done on it and I cried sitting in his office remembering the last time I was there seeing him at his desk laughing.
3. Kristen came and we made earrings and blessing books!
4. The Superbowl with an awesome Steelers win!
5. I'm now sick.
Here are some pictures of Jake since my last post!
1/26/09 Here is Chad having fun with Jake...
1/27/09 This is my favorite outfit in this size...
1/28/09 He decided to chew on the elephant blanket Uncle Frank gave him...
2/1/09 I had to take a picture of the Peace, Love, Rock and Roll onesie Aunt Beth (my cousin) gave him...
2/2/09 Seriously, swinging around his lion that Kristen gave him...
2/3/09 Just holding the lion...
2/4/09 Snow day! A rare thing in Charlotte (I couldn't pass up getting a photo)...
2/4/09 Sleeping on Sara (I don't know how he slept with his face smooshed)...
2/6/09 Just having fun!...
Hopefully, I will be better at posting more often. Maybe I'll get back to more posts after I'm better...sore throats and headaches are no fun at all!
Posted by Charissa at 8:04 PM 3 comments