Well, Let's see since my last post a ton has happened! There was Jacob starting to walk like crazy in his walker. Wow does he love it! He zips around the downstairs and chases the dogs, pulls the towels off the oven handle, tries to "help" empty the dishwasher, examines the food in the fridge, and touches the books on the bookshelves.Then there was Uncle Frank, my brother, came to visit. He came during Mother's Day weekend so that was really fun! For Mother's Day Frank, our mom, and I went to some botanical gardens where we saw and played with Venus Fly Traps (totally creepy!). And then we met Chad, Jake, and our dad for brunch.

I put Jake in the laundry basket as I unloaded the dryer! He loved it.

Jacob had his first experience in a pool. My best friend, Sara, has a pool at her condo. So Jake and I headed over and he was unsure about the whole experience...I think the water was a bit chilly for him. However, he still had fun just hanging out pool side!

Jake and Morgan, our crazy dog, got more acquainted...

And now we are packing up to head for a 10 day trip to Moses Lake, Washington to visit Chad's family! We leave Saturday.
I have put a link on the left side of this blog at the top for our photo album. There are a ton of pictures there so check it out!
(one last thing...So You Think You Can Dance has begun....I'm so excited!!!)
so cool. i see morgan still sits weird. i'm headed to see your album now... have a great trip.
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