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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Florida Morning

I'm not sure who in my family reads this blog, I know my mom, aunt, and cousin (Beth) do. Well, this morning when took my dog out I was reminded of Florida mornings at my G.G.'s house (my great-grandma) because it was a bright, crisp morning, just warm enough for flip flops yet cool enough for a light jacket (perfect weather). I'm not sure what my cousins did when they visited G.G. However, I have very clear memories of my brother and I waking up before anyone else and going across the sandy street, traipsing through the dried palm leaves and between towering palm trees just to get to the dock in the bay. We then would search all the docks around for Pelicans and try to spot one swooping down and scooping up water and fish. We'd lean over the side of the dock and knock barnacles off the pilings. We would also walk along the bank and search for horseshoe crabs. Sometimes we would just sit on the edge and be silent. It was probably one of the happiest times in my childhood!
I am just so glad that God allowed us to have memories. I certainly have bad memories, but the good ones far outweigh the bad.
The only problem now is that I'm not in Florida; I don't have a dock with pelicans, barnacles, and horseshoe crabs; I don't have my brother; and I have to go to work!
One day I hope to experience the cool, crisp Florida mornings again on a peaceful dock!


Carol Grubbs said...

Count this as a gem, a precious memory, and pull it out of your pocket frequently to be reminded of God's goodness to you! Thanks for sharing your gem, I am blessed, too! (and also miss Frank!)

B.W. said...

my memories of those times are very similiar and i have the same feelings about them!! it reminds me of the description of the "new narnia" in the last battle- saying that parts of the new narnia reminded them of magical, holiday moments in the old narnia...
a little glimpse of heaven in good old pelican shores, englewood.
love ya cuz

Patty said...

Great blog! Too many good memories from Pelican Shores and GG to count!

Unknown said...

Whoa! Haven't stopped by in a few weeks, and look at all the posts!

-- Hanging out at the beach: Cool.
-- Mike Myers quotes: Very cool.
-- Mike Myers himself: Also very cool.
-- Reading whatever material is handy when you're at work: Not cool. In my case, it's the periodic table. ;)

Keep up the bloggin'!


Unknown said...

Florida's not a bad place to be, huh? My favorite times were from when I was older. I would drive out to the beach by myself, even on overcast days, and paddle my board out into the water whether there were waves or not. I would bob there by myself and worry about sharks or think about God. And leave with salt in my hair- that was the best part.