Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Today, my family dog, Snoops, went to doggy heaven. She was born February 3, 1996 in Pennsylvania. My dad and I brought her home to our house in New Jersey in April that year. She lived a long life for a Basset Hound, 13 and a half years. She was a good dog, well except when she was stealing food from the counters. She stole and ate pizza crusts, loaves of bread, meat, anything she could from the counters. She loved to try to get into the trash. She would come running the second she heard a bite being taken out of an apple. She had a beautiful basset howl. She loved to sleep and eat! She curled up beside me in my bed to help calm my nerves the night before I went to college for the first time, before I went to Africa, and before I went out to Oregon for college. She was a woman's best friend! She will be dearly missed. We love you Snoops.

Here is a typical picture of her from this past year belly up soaking in the sun!


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. It was great to see her when we last visited you. Her greeting to us on our arrival was special. I like to think that she is in heaven, romping thorugh fields of green.

Be well.

Love, Karen