What a great Christmas we had!
We went to the Christmas Eve service at church and Jake was a hit, everyone that saw him made a comment on how cute and adorable he was. Here's a picture...
My brother came from Chicago for almost a week. He came on Christmas day just in time for dinner and then we opened presents. Jake slept in Chad's arms during the presents. It was just so great to all be in the same in room together!
The few days after Christmas we hung out around the house and went to the movie "Yes, Man". Jake did great at the movie, he slept in the Baby Bjorn on Chad the whole time.
On the 28th Jake was 2 months old. I can't believe that it was 2 months ago that we were in the hospital meeting our son. Sometimes, it seems like yesterday and other times I can't remember life without him! One big thing that happened this week was that we decided to switch to formula from breastfeeding. I was very hesitant, but with my infection (it's painful) I was stressed out and getting slightly depressed about feeding and the infection. It was the right move for us. The cool part is that other people can feed Jake...like his Uncle Frank (Shortly after waking up)!
Frank, my brother, mom, and I went for a little adventure in the woods around our house. A few months ago my mom was walking and saw a some old abandoned houses in the woods. We can see them now that the leaves have fallen. So we decided to explore. The first few little buildings we hiked to were just sheds. But then we came across 2 houses. The roofs were sunken and the floors were gone. We didn't go in them, but it was interesting. On the houses were notices saying that a hearing over the property is coming up. Apparently, the property was owned by Ira and Peggy Hoyle Pigford. I'm guessing they have passed away and left the property to no one. I don't know how it would happen, but it would so fun to buy the property and eventually build my parents a house on it. Then, they'd live just down the road. But I'm dreaming and assuming that by the time we have a 2nd kid we won't be living in the same house with them.
Frank got me a Kitchen Aid stand mixer for Christmas...it's awesome! We decided to make scones. We had a lot of fun doing that. We kinda missed a part of the recipe... we were supposed to combine the eggs and cream together and then add to the other ingredients. We didn't do that and the dough was much sticker than it should have been, but they tasted good and we had a lot of laughs through the process!
Well, Happy New Year to everyone! We hope to be sleeping through the coming of the new year!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas, 2 months, old houses
Posted by Charissa at 1:18 PM 4 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Growing boy, bedtime routine, the crib!
So Jacob is almost 2 months old and is now in his 3-6 months clothing! It's crazy! I don't know how we are going to keep up with him growing! He was only in his 0-3 months for a month and a half. My mom and I went to a kids consignment shop and got some good deals. He is just growing up so fast!
We have started a bedtime routine. This usually includes a bath. At first he hated baths, but now that Chad throws on a bathing suit and gets in with him (rather than using the baby bathtub) he loves it. He doesn't cry at all. In fact, if he is crying before the bath then he calms down in the bath! He doesn't like the cold when he gets out, though. He has started kicking in the bath and it's only a matter of time before he starts splashing! We are excited for that! Here is a picture of him on his way to the bathroom in his duck robe (Thanks Cyndie!).Jake has finally started to sleep in his crib. He will sleep for 4ish hours, wake up eat, and sleep for another 3-4 hours....IN HIS CRIB!!! This is great. Chad and I are getting much better sleep. I know there will nights when Jake isn't feeling well, or just doesn't want to sleep, but for now we are enjoying the sleep we are getting!
Here is a picture of Jacob that was in our Christmas email...sorry if we know you and you didn't receive a letter I just must not have your email address.
Here is a picture of the Burns side of our family from Thanksgiving.
Click here to see all the pictures from Thanksgiving.
Merry Christmas!
Posted by Charissa at 10:43 PM 5 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Doctors appointments and a good weekend!
Jake had a check up this past week. He is doing great! At the appoinment, he was 11 lbs. 3 oz. and 22.25 inches. He is in the 75th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference! He's a big healthy baby.
I also had a doctor appointment. It went well. I'm still fighting an infection, it's nothing really serious, just more irritating and a bit painful. Please pray that it goes away and isn't passed on to Jake.
Here is a picture of Jacob in his reindeer hat on our way to Target this past week!
This weekend was great...most weekends are great because Chad is home! We went out on Saturday which was rather hectic because we were near a huge mall (we decided not to go in...too many late Christmas shoppers). We went to late breakfast at Cracker Barrel, then went to the verizon store, then Chad took Jake while I got my hair cut...it was so needed! We got home and relaxed. Then a friend of mine from New Jersey came over. We found each other on facebook and it turns out she lives 5 minutes away from us! So funny...we hadn't seen each other in about 11 and half years. It was a fun reunion.
Then Sunday we relaxed and went on a walk and relaxed some more! It was sad to see Chad leave for work this morning.
Posted by Charissa at 11:08 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Face lift, Thanksgiving, and a lot of family!
Yep I decided to change this blog a bit! I believe that all good parents are superheroes! Chad and I are constantly being "helped" by our sidekicks. Jake and Morgan are always making us smile and laugh. Jake has shown us love and how to love. Morgan is our loyal protector! But we have to rescue them as well! They both need us for food, and love. Morgan needs to be let outside and Jake needs his diaper changed. Morgan needs to be petted, Jake needs to be held. They both need us for baths! It is a joy to be this kind of superhero!
Well, our thanksgiving was actually on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Chad's parents, sister, and brother-in-law all came to our house on Friday, Nov. 28th. Jake was 1 month old that day! It the first time seeing them since Jake was born. I'm so glad that Jake got to meet his Nana and Grandpa and Aunt Angie and Uncle Jeremy! He was loved and held so much!
Here's a few things we did. We went to few restaurants (Li's chinese and The Olive Garden). We went to the mall. We played some games. We went to church and Jake, Chad, and I were dedicated. They do family dedications at our church rather than just baby dedications, because the parents need help and prayer too! We relaxed and Chad and I got quite a bit of sleep.
It was very sad and hard to see them go. There were tears shed. We just hope to see them again soon. We love them so much! (I will post pictures as soon as I get them)
The day after they all left, my Aunt Patty and cousin Beth came in for the weekend. We went out to lunch a few times and started watching the first season of Everwood and I'm fully hooked now! We went to the NoDa (North Davidson) district in Charlotte which has art galleries and funky shops. We had a blast all us girls and Jake. It was also sad to see them go, but my mom, Jake, and I will be going up to Pittsburgh in March to see them again!
Here are a few recent pictures: (some were taken with my phone so they are kinda blurry) Chad feeding Jake at the mall!
Morgan and Jake taking a nap.
Jake at Panera saying 'hi'.
My mom, Me, Jake in the sling, Aunt Patty, and Beth at a vintage shop in NoDa. So much fun with hats! (Aunt Patty looks good in hers...the rest of us?)
Posted by Charissa at 12:09 PM 3 comments