Jake is now standing really well holding onto things. We don't have to support him at all. It's pretty fun to watch him standing at the window and looking out...such a big boy! It will be all too soon when he turns around lets go and walks over to me.
Here are a few pictures of him looking out our family room window...
This past weekend our Life Group from church was camping at Cane Creek. We decided we weren't quite ready to camp out with Jake in a tent so we went down for a few hours on Saturday and then again on Sunday. It was a lot of fun and very relaxing! Maybe the next time they go camping we will be able to join them!
Other than that not much else is going on. Oh, my mom, dad, Jake, and I are heading up to Pittsburgh next week to see my grandparents, aunt and uncle, and cousins. Should be a fun trip!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Posted by Charissa at 6:24 PM 3 comments
Monday, June 22, 2009
Father's Day and more stuff!
Well, this was Chad's real first father's day (last year only kinda counted with Jake in my belly). My mom found some awesome tshirts that I just had to get Chad and Jake.
Chad's is Version 1 and Jake's is Version 2 as in computer software upgrades...Jake's the upgrade! We had a little Father-Son photoshoot!
Here is Chad and Jake taking a nap a few weeks ago...
This is Jake this past Sunday on the way home from church, the first time he got his foot in his mouth...
This is the fawn that my mom and I rescued this past weekend. We took him to a guy who rehabilitates them and releases them into the wild. The fawn was a boy and about a week old...Other than the fawn, in the past 2 weeks I have rescued a lost dog and found his home and rescued a yearling Eastern Box Turtle from the road...I'm starting to think that I am the animal rescue for the neighborhood!
Oh Jake doesn't like chicken...maybe he's like his like my cousin Beth (the chicken is killing her, so she stopped eating it).
Posted by Charissa at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Moses Lake and the last week at home!
Well, we had an awesome time in Moses Lake, Washington. It was so great to be with Chad's side of the family and watch Jake with all of them. We had seadoos to ride, golf (real and mini) to play, food to eat, laying around to do, and our little getaway for our 5 year anniversary. Jake was great on the plane there and then cried or slept on the way back. I believe we are in full teething swing now. But who knows we could wake up tomorrow and no signs of teething! On our trip Jake started to hold on our fingers and walk! Jake has just in past day or so started scooting on his belly to get things out of reach...crawling should be soon!

Moses Lake (Well part of it)...

Four generations, Jack - Ed - Chad - Jake...

On the way home, taking the tram in Dallas, Jake decided to hold on too!...

Oh by the way, Jake has a baby pool I will try to post a video of him splashing!
Let us know how you are doing!
Posted by Charissa at 10:45 PM 4 comments